Search the lecture notes:
Now you know what the computer actually does when it executes an assignment statement: how it evaluates an expression and assigns the result to a variable in a high level programming language. We will discuss various program flow control structures next.
The midterm test will cover the material upto this point and will be scheduled soon.
Now you know what the computer actually does when it runs a program. The only thing that you still do not know is what happens in a function call (there is still a lot to learn...).
But I discuss these non-CS255 material (quicker than usual) to help you understand the next topic: use recursion to manipulate linked lists
If you understand everything so far, you now know
exactly what is going on when a computer executes
a program.
You can apply what you learn and write assembler
programs in any assembler language, e.g.,
Intel Pentium, IBM PowerChip, DEC Alpha, SunMicrosystem SPARC...
To program with a new chip, all you need to learn are:
I have Intel assembler programming material
after the C lecture notes to demonstrate this process.
(These notes are not part of the CS255 curriculum - it's
"for your eyes only")
Abbreviated C teaching pages:
Check out chapter 6
Rough notes on Intel Assemler programming:
Other resources: