The goal of CS255

  • The CS255 course is not primariry about assembler programming

  • I use assembler cpdes to expose the programming constructs (like if-statement, while-statement, etc) of a high level programming language

  • Therefore:

      • We will only use signed integer data types to focus on the programming constructs themselves

Data types used in CS255

  • We will only use these signed integer data types:

        byte  -  uses an  8 bits   2s compl code 
        short -   uses an 16 bits   2s compl code 
        int   -   uses an 32 bits   2s compl code      

  • We will not use floating point data type nor floating point operations

  • We will not use string data type nor string operations

Including floating point/string data type and their operations in the CS255 course material will lengthen the course content considerably and provides very little new knowledge on the programming constructs