/* ---------------------------------------------- sumSquares(a,b): returns (a*a + b*b) ---------------------------------------------- */ int sumSquares( int a, int b ) { return (a*a + b*b); } void main( ) { int x, y, z; z = sumSquares(x, y); } |
/* ------------------------------------------------- Pass parameter x by copying its value in reg r0 ------------------------------------------------- */ movw r0, #:lower16:x movt r0, #:upper16:x ldr r0, [r0] /* ------------------------------------------------- Pass parameter y by copying its value in reg r1 ------------------------------------------------- */ movw r1, #:lower16:y movt r1, #:upper16:y ldr r1, [r1] /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- call z = sumSquares(x,y): agreed inputs: r0 = x, r1 = y |
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- Function sumSquares(a,b): agreed inputs: r0 = a, r1 = b agreed return: r0 = return value ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ sumSquares: // When sumSquares begin, we will have: r0 = a, r1 = b |
How to run the program: