Prelude to the 2s complement code: the 10s complement code

  • Our objective:

    • Discuss how signed values are represented by the 2s complement code in computers to

  • We will first study:

    • The 10s complement code


    • The coding technique used in 10s complement code is similar to the 2s complement code

    • The 10s complement code uses decimal arithmentic while the 2s complement code uses binary arithmetic

    • Humans are more skilled in decimal arithmetic (so it's easier to understand)

Review of codes

Recall: there are 2 types of codes:

  • "Committee-based"/"Agreement" code


      • Morse code and ASCII code (for English text - discussed later)     

    The meaning of each code word in the code is agreed upon

  • Mathematical codes


      • The binary number system        

    The meaning of a code word is computed

    Example: the meaning of 00000101(2) is computed using the formula 0×27 + 0×26 + 0×25 + 0×24 + 0×23 + 1×22 + 0×21 + 1×20

The 10s complement code is a Mathematical code

Intro to the 10s complement code
  • The 10s complement code is based on modular arithmetic....

  • But, I will not use modular arithmetic

  • Instead, I will explain the 10s complement code using a (modified) car's odometer (easier to understand):



  • The 10s complement code uses a fixed number of (decimal) digits

  • Each decimal number of the 10s complement code is mapped to a signed value

How I will explain the 10s complement code
  • Note:

      • I will use 10s complement code and "odometer code" interchangeably

  • There are many different 10s complement (or odometer) codes:

    • 10s complement code of 1 digit
    • 10s complement code of 2 digits
    • 10s complement code of 3 digits
    • 10s complement code of 4 digits
    • And so on...

  • I will use a 3 (decimal) digits code to explain the 10s complement code:


    10s complement codes using different number of digit will work in a similar manner

What is a 3 digits 10s complement code ?

The 3 digits 10s complement code is a mapping between any 3 digits number and a signed value:

   All possible          Corresponding
   3 digit number        Signed value       
   --------------      --------------
      000         <--->    ...
      001         <--->    ...
      ...                  ...
      ...                  ...
      999         <--->    ...  


Warning:   this mapping will not be a mapping you are "used to"...

This mapping will provide some desirable computational properties !!

I will explain how to obtain the mapping using a "special" odometer - discussed next

The mapping is based on the behvavior of the car's odometer

Imagine that the odometer of a car operates in the following manner:

  • When the car goes forward, its odometer will increase by 1 after driving 1 mile

      forward 1 mile:  

  • When the car goes backwards (i.e.: drive in reverse), its odometer will decrease by 1 after driving 1 mile

      reverse 1 mile:  

$64,000 question


  • Starting with odometer reading 999:
    we drive forward (= add) 1 mile.

    What's the new odometer reading ?

$64,000 question


  • Starting with odometer reading 999:
    we drive forward (= add) 1 mile.

    What's the new odometer reading ?

Answer:   999 + 1 = 000 (because the odometer has 3 digits)


Note:   the carry is lost because the odometer only has 3 digits !

$64,000 question


  • Starting with odometer reading 000:
    we drive in reverse (= subtract) 1 mile.

    What's the new odometer reading ?

$64,000 question


  • Starting with odometer reading 000:
    we drive in reverse (= subtract) 1 mile.

    What's the new odometer reading ?

Answer:   000 − 1 = 999 !!!


We will use this property to map the negative values !!!

What is a 10s complement code (in general)

The 3 digit 10s complement code is a (Mathematical) mapping between all 3 digit number and some set of signed value:

     3 digits 10s complement code

   3 digit number        Signed value
   --------------      --------------        
      000         <--->    ...
      001         <--->    ...
                           (A subset of signed values)     

      999         <--->    ...

This mapping provides a very attractive property

In the next set of slides, we will define this mapping in a piece meal fashion by driving the car and observing the odometer reading

After that, I'll show you the "atractive property" of using the 10s complement code in arithmetic operations