Review: memory addresses are binary numbers !

The ARM processor has a 32 bits address bus:

Therefore: a memory address in an ARM assembler program requires 32 bits to represent !!!

Accessing variables stored in memory

  • Memory variables are accessed through their memory location (= address)

  • Recall:

    • Labels are used to mark important memory addresses in an assembler program (e.g.: a variable)

    • A label is a symbolic constant for some memory address !!

  • Example:

        a:  .byte 15   // a = a symbolic constant for this memory address

Moving memory addresses (or variables) into a register in ARM

  • Memory variables are accessed through their memory location (= address)

  • Recall:

    • Labels are used to mark important memory addresses in an assembler program (e.g.: a variable)

    • A label is a symbolic constant for some memory address !!

  • How to obtain the address of a memory variable:

         movw  rN, #:lower16:memoryAddressOfVar   // The address
         movt  rN, #:upper16:memoryAddressOfVar   // is a number       

  • We can use the label (= symbolic constant for the address) instead:

         movw  rN, #:lower16:labelForVariable   // We would rather use 
         movt  rN, #:upper16:labelForVariable   // its symbolic name !

Example:   moving memory addresses (or variables) into a register in ARM

  • Example of variable:

         a:  .4byte 15            

  • Instructions to move (= put) the address of variable a (a binary number !) into the register r0:

         movw  r0, #:lower16:a 
         movt  r0, #:upper16:a   

DEMO:   /home/cs255001/demo/asm/2-mov/mov-address.s