The bit-wise operations
are typically used do the following:
Set a certain bit
in a byte, short, int, or long variable
Clear a certain bit
in a byte, short, int, or long variable
Flip a certain bit
(0 ⇒ 1 or 1 ⇒ 0)
in a byte, short, int, or long variable
Test a certain bit
in a byte, short, int, or long variable
The bit-wise operationsoften use a certain
bit pattern
(or bit mask)
The bit pattern can often
be expression more easily
using different number systems
We will also look at how to express
a value in
different number system
in C
Setting a certain bit in a bit pattern
Set a certain bit in a
bit pattern
Suppose the variable a
contains a bit pattern:
a = 1010...x...1101
Set the bit
x to the value
1without changingall other bits in the pattern.
We can set the bit
x inside the
bit pattern to 1 using
the OR operation with
the following
specific pattern:
a = 1010...x...1101
OR ---------------
the 2nd bit
and the 4th bit in
a bit pattern
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
char a = 0; /* 0 = 00000000 */
/* Bit pos: 76543210 */
a = a | 4; /* 16 = 00000100 - set 2nd bit */
a = a | 16; /* 16 = 00010000 - set 4th bit */
printf( "a = %d\n", a );