Prelude: arithmetic using 10s complement codes

  • Important facts:

    • 10s complement codes are also decimal integer numbers

    • The arithmetic operations on (decimal) numbers do not change !!!

  • Example: adding decimal numbers:

         "Normal" addition:     Addition using 3 digits 10s compl code
                344                       344
              + 999                     + 999
            --------                  --------
               1333                       333

  • The only difference is:

    • The 3 digits 10s complement code do not retain any carry/borrow digits in the arithmetic operation

Review: short-coming of the sign-magnitude representation

The signed decimal code (or representation): (a sign-magnitude code)

   Signed decimal code        Represented signed value   
         ...                           ...
         -2                            ••
          2                            ••
        ...                            ...

Short-coming:   the meaning of +/- operations depends on values of the operands

       2  The + operation depends on the values 
   +  -1  of its operands
       1  (To obtain 1, we subtracted 2 and 1)

What can the 10s complement code do for + and − operations ?

The 3 digit 10s complement code (or representation): (a sign-magnitude code)

   3 digit 10s compl code     Represented signed value 
         ...                        ...
         998                        ••
         002                        ••
         ...                        ...

Advantage:   when we compute 2 + −1 using the 3 digit 10s compl representation:

     002  The + operation is independent from the values 
   + 999  of its operands
     001  (To obtain the result, we added 002 and 999)

What can the 10s complement code do for + and − operations ?

The 3 digit 10s complement code (or representation): (a sign-magnitude code)

   3 digit 10s compl code     Represented signed value 
         ...                        ...
         998                        ••
         002                        ••
         ...                        ...

Subtraction works equally well:   3 − 4 = −1 is computed in 10s complement as follows:

       003   (We can always borrow from a digit to the left)
     - 004
       999     (999 represents the value -1)

How does the 3 digit 10s compl code work ?

Due to the limitation to only 3 digits, the signed values are mapped by the 3 digit 10s compl code on a circle:


How does the 3 digit 10s compl code work ?

Adding 1 to a 3 digit 10s compl code is moving clock-wise 1 position on the circle:


How does the 3 digit 10s compl code work ?

Subtracting 1 from a 3 digit 10s compl code is moving anti-clock-wise 1 position on the circle:


How does the 3 digit 10s compl code work ?

Suppose we compute:   2 + (−1) = 1 --- (note: + means: move forward (clock-wise))


How many positions forwards (= clock-wise) do we have to move to reach the position 001 on the circle ???

How does the 3 digit 10s compl code work ?

When we compute 2 + (−1) = 1 - we can move forward from 002 to 001 as follows:


We can move from 002 to 001 by going clock-wise 999 positions !!!

Therefore:   by representing NEGATIVE ONE as 999, we will keep the meaning of + operation independent from the value of the operands !!!

BTW: truncating the carry digit in an addition is basically modular arithmetic