In this webpage, I will show you what will happen when you use an incorrect load/store instruction (and quiz you if you can understand the cause of the error)
Syntax and meaning of the basic form of the load register instruction is:
Syntax Meaning of the instruction ---------------- -------------------------------------------------- ldr rN, [rM] Load 4 bytes from memory at the address given in rM into the (destination) register rN The 4 bytes are stored in the register as follows: |
Let's see how well you can apply your understanding...
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In the following program, I transfer the value stored at the memory location x: into the registers using 3 different load instruction:
main: // short x contains 254 = 0000000011111110 movw r0, #:lower16:x // Moves the address of memory movt r0, #:upper16:x // variable x into register r0 // Move short x into r1 using ldrsh (correct !) ldrsh r1,[r0] // r1 = 254, correct // Move short x into r2 using ldrsb (wrong value !) ldrsb r2,[r0] // r2 = -1, WRONG !! // Can you explain why r2 contains -1 ? // Move short x into r3 using ldr (wrong value !) ldr r3,[r0] // r2 = 65790 = 216 + 254, WRONG !! // Can you explain why r2 contains 216 + 254 ? /* -------------------------------------------------- Begin of the permanent program variables -------------------------------------------------- */ .data x: .2byte 254 // short typed variable y: .2byte 1 // short typed variable .end |
The ldrsh instruction will transfer the correct value (254) into the register r1
Can you explain why using what you know about these instructions (see above) ???
How to run the program:
Syntax and meaning of the
basic form of
the store register instruction
Let's see
how well you can
apply your understanding...
Syntax Meaning of the instruction
---------------- --------------------------------------------------
str rN, [rM] Store 4 bytes from register rN to memory (consecutively) at
the address given in register rM
The 4 bytes are taken from the register as follows:
strh rN, [rM] Store 2 bytes from register rN to memory (consecutively) at
the address given in register rM
The 2 bytes are taken from the register as follows:
strb rN, [rM] Store 1 byte from register rN to memory (consecutively) at
the address given in register rM
The byte is taken from the register as follows:
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In the main( ) method, I will update the memory variable at the memory location x: with the value -2 (stored in the register r1) using 3 different store instructions:
main: movw r0, #:lower16:x // Moves the address of memory movt r0, #:upper16:x // variable x into register r0 mov r1, #-2 // Move -2 into short var x (correct !) strh r1,[r0] // x = -2, correct // Change strh to strb and you will get x = 254 !! // Can you explain why x contains 254 ? // Change strh to str and you will update y = -1 !! // Can you explain why y gets updated to -1 ? /* -------------------------------------------------- Begin of the permanent program variables -------------------------------------------------- */ .data x: .2byte 4 // a short typed variable y: .2byte 7 // a short typed variable .end |
You need to edit the program and recompile and run again to see the following results:
Can you explain why using what you know about these store instructions (see above) ???
How to run the program: