Inserting a list element at the tail of a linked list

My problem:

Inserting a list element at the tail of a linked list

The solution of my problem is:

Designing a recursive algorithm to insert at tail

Consider the smaller problem insert(, e):


Designing a recursive algorithm to insert at tail

The solution of insert(, e) is:


Designing a recursive algorithm to insert at tail

Suppose we have the solution of insert(, e) avialable:

How can we use this solution to solve our original problem ?

Designing a recursive algorithm to insert at tail


What remains:   find a simple case to use a base case

Base case for insert at tail

Base case: (insert in an empty list)


Recursive algorithm to insert at tail of a linked list

   public static List insert( List head, List e )
      List helpSol;

      /* --------------------------------------------
          Base case: insert at the tail of an empty
         -------------------------------------------- */
      if ( head == null )
             = null;     // Mark e as the last list elem
         return(e);         // e is the first list elem !
         /* ===========================================================
            Solve the problem USING the solution of a smaller problem
            =========================================================== */

         helpSol = insert(, e ); // Have "someone else" solve
                                           // this smaller problem

	     = helpSol;     // Find MY solution using helpSol
         return head;             // Return MY solution

DEMO:   /home/cs255001/demo/recursion/

Simplified recursive algorithm to insert at tail of a linked list

   public static List insert( List head, List e )
      /* --------------------------------------------
          Base case: insert at the tail of an empty
         -------------------------------------------- */
      if ( head == null )
      { = null;     // Mark e as the last list elem
         return(e);         // e is the first list elem !
         /* ===========================================================
            Solve the problem USING the solution of a smaller problem
            =========================================================== */ = insert(, e ); // Link directly to helpSol

         return head;             // Return MY solution