value Representation in 8 bits Repr in 16 bits --------+----------------------------+-------------------- ... ... .... -3 11111101 1111111111111101 -2 11111110 1111111111111110 -1 11111111 1111111111111111 0 00000000 0000000000000000 1 00000001 0000000000000001 2 00000010 0000000000000010 3 00000011 0000000000000011 ... ... .... |
The computer can easily perform +, -, *, / operations on integer values when they are in 2's complement code
Number (String) Representation ------------------+---------------------- "1" 00110001 "12" 00110001 00110010 |
(These are sometimes call "numerical strings")
(Because a terminal can only display characters according to their ASCII codes).
int parseInt( String s ): return the int value translated from the input string s String toString( int x ): return a String that represents the integral value x |
So basically we will be studying how these methods are written.
String s = "-123"; int i; i = Integer.parseInt( s ); // Convert number string into integer s = Integer.toString( i ); // Convert integer value to string |
Here in CS255, I will show you what happens inside these 2 conversion methods
I.e.: I will show you the algorithm used inside the Java conversion methods.