The while-statement

  • High level programming languages provide loop-statements that repeatly execute a group of statements

  • The most commonly used loop-statement is the while-statement:

         while (condition)        

  • Although loop-statements behaves diferently than if/if-else-statements, they are fundamentally the same:

      • The loop-statements and if/if-else-statements both alter (= change) the program flow

    We can use cmp + conditional branch instructions to translate any loop-statement !!!

Program flow of a while-statement

   while ( condition )     +---------->|
      statement(s)         |           |
			   |	+--------------+ FALSE
			   |	|  condition   |--------+              
			   |	+--------------+	|
			   |	       |		|
			   |	       | TRUE		|
			   |	       |		|
			   |	       V		|
			   |	   statement(s)		|
			   |	       |		|
       	     (repeat loop) +-----------+		| (exit loop)

How to translate a whiel-statement

   while ( condition )

   +--> WhileStart:
   |       Evaluate "condition" (use cmp)
   |		    |
   |		    V                                           FALSE
   |       Branch on FALSE outcome of "condition" to WhileEnd: ---->+      
   |		    |						    |
   |		    | TRUE					    |
   |		    |						    |
   |		    V						    |
   |       Assembler codes to exec "statement(s)"       	    |
   |		    |						    |
   |		    V						    |
   +<--------   b WhileStart					    |
       WhileEnd:    +<----------------------------------------------+

Example while-statement

While loop used to compute the quotient and the remainder of the integer division A ÷ B:

   int A, B;
   int Q, R;

   // Computes: Q = A/B   and  R = A%B                

   Q = 0;                       
   R = A;                    

   while ( R >= B )      
      Q = Q + 1;             
      R = R - B;

Sample execution: A = 19, B = 4   (quotient A/B = 4, remainder A/B = 3)

     Initial values   Iter 1  Iter 2  Iter 3  Iter 4
     ---------------  ------  ------  ------  ------
  Q      0               1       2       3       4
  R     19 (A)          15      11       7       3  

Program flow of the example while-statement

   Q = 0;                       
   R = A;                    

   while ( R >= B )      
      Q = Q + 1;             
      R = R - B;

Assembler code for the example while-statement

        // Q = 0;
        movw    r0, #:lower16:Q
        movt    r0, #:upper16:Q         // r0 = addr(Q)
        mov     r1, #0

        str     r1, [r0]                // Q = 0;

        // R = A;
        movw    r0, #:lower16:A
        movt    r0, #:upper16:A         // r0 = addr(A)
        ldr     r1, [r0]                // r1 = A;

        movw    r0, #:lower16:R
        movt    r0, #:upper16:R         // r0 = addr(R)
        str     r1, [r0]                // R = A;

        // test  R >= B
        movw    r0, #:lower16:R
        movt    r0, #:upper16:R         // r0 = addr(R)
        ldr     r1, [r0]                // r1 = R;

        movw    r0, #:lower16:B
        movt    r0, #:upper16:B         // r0 = addr(B)
        ldr     r2, [r0]                // r2 = B;

        cmp     r1, r2                  // Check:  R >= B
        blt     whileEnd                // If R < B: exit while loop

        /* ***********************************
           While body
           *********************************** */
        // Q = Q + 1
        movw    r0, #:lower16:Q
        movt    r0, #:upper16:Q         // r0 = addr(Q)
        ldr     r1, [r0]                // r1 = Q;
        add     r1, r1, #1              // r1 = Q+1
        str     r1, [r0]                // Q = Q+1;

        // R = R - B
        movw    r0, #:lower16:R
        movt    r0, #:upper16:R         // r0 = addr(R)
        ldr     r1, [r0]                // r1 = R;

        movw    r0, #:lower16:B
        movt    r0, #:upper16:B         // r0 = addr(B)
        ldr     r2, [r0]                // r2 = B;

        sub     r1, r1, r2              // r1 = R - B

        movw    r0, #:lower16:R
        movt    r0, #:upper16:R         // r0 = addr(R)
        str     r1, [r0]                // R = R - B;

        // End of while body --- branch back to test !!
        b       while



/* --------------------------------------------------
   Begin of the permanent program variables
   -------------------------------------------------- */

A:    .4byte  37        // Sample input
B:    .4byte  7
Q:    .skip   4         // Quotient
R:    .skip   4         // Remainder


DEMO:   /home/cs255001/demo/asm/7-while/while1.s