Your CS education

Concepts and their implementation

  • The Computer Science education that you get in Emory provide you with fundamental understanding of computer science concepts

  • Sample concepts:

      • Static array vs. dynamic array
      • Lexical scoping
      • Parameter passing mechanisms
      • Etc

  • The concepts are illustrated through the use of the Java programming language

    I.e.: we showed you a sample of implementation of the concepts using Java's syntax

High level (procedural) programming languages

  • Every procedural (high level) programming language provide a subset of constructs and features that you have learned in your Computer Science background !!!


      • How a construct or feature is expressed (= written) can be different in different programming languages

How you should learn a new (procedural) programming language

  1. Find out what concepts are implemented in the new computer language that you want to learn

      • Each programming language will have its own unique features that make it especially suited for certain applications

  2. Find out the appropriate syntax to express the concepts/features


      • C has static arrays;     syntax:    int A[10];                

    You do not need to re-learn the concepts !!!