int i; float f; i = (int) f; // Assign a float representation to an int type variable f = (float) i; // Assign an int representation to an float type variable |
The assignment statement must first convert one representation into another representation before doing the assignment !
int i; float f; i = (int) f; |
in the above code fragment must perform the following steps:
(1) convert the float (IEEE 754) representation stored in f into the int (2's complement) representation for the same value (2) Store the int (2's complement) representation in the variable i |
int i; float f; i = (int) f; |
in the above code fragment must perform the following steps:
(1) convert the int (2's complement) representation stored in i into the float (IEEE 754) representation for the same value (2) Store the float (IEEE 754) representation in the variable f |
binary number system <---> 2's complement code |
there is a conversion procedure to convert between:
2's complement representation <---> IEEE 754 (float) representation (integer) (float) |
But the int <--> float conversion procedure is much more complex.
The conversion algorithms use bit manipulation operations that you have not had before.
So I will not give the complete algorithms, but describe the algorithms only at a high level (mainly to sastify students' curiocity)....
1. Convert the int representation into a sign and a positive binary number 2. Convert the positive binary number to a fixed point representation where the integral part = 1.xxxxx (This step uses shift operations - you shift the decimal point to the left until you find the most significant 1 bit in the binary number) Let M be the mantissa with the leading 1 bit omitted Let E be the exponent of the fixed point representation 3. Express the exponent E in excess 127 code 4. Assemble: Sign Exponent Mantissa into a IEEE 754 respresentation |
Let's convert the value -5 from the int representation to the float representation. Let me show you the representation of -5 first: -5 in the int representation is: 11111111111111111111111111111011 -5 in the float representation is: 11000000101000000000000000000000 (See: click here) The question is: how do you go from 11111111111111111111111111111011 --> 11000000101000000000000000000000 |
Because you have not had shift operation before, I won't discuss the algorithm in code form....
int radius; double area; area = 3.14 * radius * radius; // Can you detect the int --> float conversion ? // int radius needs to be converted to float // before it can be used in the computation !!! |
most CPU's provide machine instructions that perform the int <--> float conversions
// file: /home/cs255/cs255/c-asm/int2float.c on host cs255host1 // ssh -X cs255@cs255host1, User: cs255, passwd: abc123 int x; float f; int main() { x = 4; f = x; // Assign int var to a float var ---> will convert int to float ! } |
gcc -S int2float.c |
This will generate the assembler program file int2float.s.
Look inside the int2float.s file and you will see these instructions:
... vcvt.f32.s32 s15, s15 // This instr converts an int repr to a float repr !! .... |
Specifically: the instruction vcvt.f32.s32 is the ARM processor's instruction to convert an integer representation to a float representation
(It must be done using an "s" register)
// Program: /home/cs255/cs255/int2float.s on cs255host1 mov r0, #-5 // Convert int -5 vmov s15, r0 // Move r0 to float processor vcvt.f32.s32 s15, s15 // Convert int code to float code vmov r1, s15 // Move float code to r1 |
The vcvt.f32.s32 is the ARM processor's instruction to convert an integer representation to a float representation
When you run the program, you will see this result in the registers:
![]() |
The register R0 contains the 2s complement representation for the value 5
The register R0 contains the IEEE 754 representation for the value 5.0
How to run the program: