What is EGTAPI ?

EGTAPI = Emory Graphical Tool for Assembler Programming Instructiion

  • A graphical user tool that displays all the relevant information of a target computer system:

      • The last executed instruction
      • The current values of the registers
      • The current value of the PC
      • The next instruction (at the memory location given by the PC)

  • Allows the user to examine program variables in different formats (data types)

  • Allows the user to control the program execution with break points and single-stepping

EGTAPI's brief history

  • Created by the Bo Yang as his MS thesis project in 2002 - runs on Solaris and uses M68000 target

      • The CS255 in Emory was not the same since 2002

  • Re-implemented by Cheung in 2014 for the Linux platform

  • Re-designed by Bashan Zuo in 2017 as his MS project - uses Java SSH tunnels

  • Re-implemented by Bashan Zuo (as technical staff) in 2019 to use ARM target

The EGTAPI window

The ARM registers (in the ARM CPU) are shown in the left column