2 bytes: +------------------+ | 2 bytes | +------------------+ To a maximum of 10 bytes: +---------------------------------------------------------+ | 10 bytes | +---------------------------------------------------------+ |
The length is adjusted according to the need to encode more information
This document is only to show you (give you an idea) how to encode various computer instructions - you don't need to know the details in this huge document.
I will only discuss the encoding of one specific instruction next.
The syntax of the MOVE instruction that copies a value x to a register is:
move.l #x, registerName |
Because program often use small values (e.g.: i = 0; or i = 1;), M68000 provides a quick move variant to help optimize the program for running time.
The longer (and slower) variant is for general use.
The encoding format of the M68000's move instructions are given on pages 222 and 238 of the M68000 Programmer Manual
I have replicated the format here for our convenience:
Short format MOVEQ: (page 238) - for "small value" +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | | | 0 | | | | | | | | | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ <---------> <-----------------------------> dest reg# value between -128..127 |
M68000 instruction Binary machine code (given in Hexadecimal) ----------------------- --------------------------------------------- move.l #1, d0 * Instruction code: 7001 move.l #127, d0 * Instruction code: 707F move.l #-128, d0 * Instruction code: 7080 move.l #128, d0 * Instruction code: 203C 0000 0080 move.l #129, d0 * Instruction code: 203C 0000 0081 move.l #2147483648, d0 * Instruction code: 203C 8000 0000 (Note: 2147483648 = 2^31) Explanation: Take a look at the instruction "move.l #1, d0" It's instruction code given in hexadecimal number is: 7001 Expressed in binary, the instruction code is: <----- 7 -----> <----- 0 -----> <----- 0 -----> <----- 1 -----> (Hex) +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ <---------> <-----------------------------> dest reg# value between -128..127 You can see that the "dest reg#" field represents the register "d0" You can also see that the "value" field represents the (binary) number 1 The short format is used to encode the 2nd and the 3rd instruction in the example: "move.l #127, d0" and "move.l #-128, d0". When you express their hexadecimal number code in binary, you will find the value 127 and -128 in the value part of the instruction code. |
I want to show you how the value x is encoded in the M68000 instruction - specifically, how M68000's variable length instructions are used to accommodate more information.
Notice that the value x must be encoded inside the instruction
When the value is small (between -128 and 127), the constant is encoded using the last 8 bits of the instruction:
M68000 instruction Binary machine code (given in Hexadecimal and Binary) ----------------------- --------------------------------------------- move.l #1, d0 * Instruction code: 7001 = 0111000000000001 move.l #127, d0 * Instruction code: 707F = 0111000001111111 move.l #-128, d0 * Instruction code: 7080 = 0111000010000000 The first half of the instruction code (= 01110000) encodes "copy a value ...., to register d0" The 2nd half of the instruction code encodes the value (in 8 bits binary): 00000001 = 2's compl code for the value 1 01111111 = 2's compl code for the value 127 10000000 = 2's compl code for the value -128 !! |
Notice when the value is larger than 128, we will need to use more bits to encode the value
The M68000 assembler knows this - so when we use values that are larger than 128, the M68000 assembler use a different machine code:
M68000 instruction Binary machine code (given in Hexadecimal and Binary) ----------------------- --------------------------------------------- move.l #128, d0 * Instruction code: 203C 0000 0080 = 001000000011110000000000000000000000000010000000 move.l #129, d0 * Instruction code: 203C 0000 0081 = 001000000011110000000000000000000000000010000001 move.l #2147483648, d0 * Instruction code: 203C 8000 0000 = 001000000011110010000000000000000000000000000000 (Note: 2147483648 = 2^31) As you can see, the instruction is represented logically; but the format is different: The first 16 bits of the instruction code (= 0010000000111100) encodes "copy a value ...., to register d0" The last 32 bits of the instruction code encodes the value (in 32 bits binary): 00000000000000000000000010000000 = 2's compl code for the value 128 00000000000000000000000010000000 = 2's compl code for the value 129 10000000000000000000000000000000 = 2's compl code for the value 2147483648 = 2^31 !! |
You can see that M68000 uses fewer bits (= shorter instruction code) when the value is small (and requires fewer bits to encode)
When we use larger value, M68000 uses a longer instruction code to represent the value
How to run the demo:
You will see this listing content:
2 * Intro to assembler programming 3 4 xdef Start 5 6 Start: 7 8 0000 7001 move.l #1,d0 * Instruction code: 7001 9 0002 707F move.l #127,d0 * Instruction code: 707F 10 0004 7080 move.l #-128,d0 * Instruction code: 7080 11 0006 203C 0000 move.l #128,d0 * Instruction code: 203C 0000 0080 11 0080 12 000c 203C 0000 move.l #129,d0 * Instruction code: 203C 0000 0081 12 0081 13 0012 203C 8000 move.l #2147483648,d0 * Instruction code: 203C 8000 0000 13 0000 14 * (2147483648 = 2^31) 15 16 17 end |
The Hexedecimal number in red are the instruction codes generate for the assembler program (I entered it as comment on the right for your convenience)
You can see that the instruction code I showed you are indeed the real ones, and I did not "make it up"...