#include <stdio.h> struct BankAccount { int ID; float balance; }; struct BankAccount mary; // Global struct variable int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { struct BankAccount john; // Local struct variable mary.balance = 900; john.balance = 500; printf("%f\n\n", mary.balance + john.balance); } |
Consider the following program with 2 struct BankAccount (local) variables:
#include <stdio.h> struct BankAccount { int ID; float balance; }; int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { struct BankAccount john, mary; john.balance = 500; mary.balance = 500; printf("j: %f m:%f\n\n", john.balance, mary.balance); } |
How to define a pointer variable p to a struct BankAccount typed variable:
#include <stdio.h>
struct BankAccount {
int ID;
float balance;
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
struct BankAccount john, mary, *p ;
// p can store addr of struct BankAccount vars
john.balance = 500;
mary.balance = 500;
printf("j: %f m:%f\n\n", john.balance, mary.balance);
&john and &mary are address value of struct BankAccount variables:
#include <stdio.h>
struct BankAccount {
int ID;
float balance;
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
struct BankAccount john, mary, *p ;
// p can store addr of struct BankAccount vars
john.balance = 500;
mary.balance = 500;
printf("j: %f m:%f\n\n", john.balance, mary.balance);
So we can assign &john and/or &mary to p:
#include <stdio.h> struct BankAccount { int ID; float balance; }; int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { struct BankAccount john, mary, *p ; // p can store addr of struct BankAccount vars john.balance = 500; p = &john; // Now *p ≡ john mary.balance = 500; p = &mary; // Now *p ≡ mary printf("j: %f m:%f\n\n", john.balance, mary.balance); } |
And we can use the expression (*p).balance to update their balance member variable:
#include <stdio.h> struct BankAccount { int ID; float balance; }; int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { struct BankAccount john, mary, *p ; // p can store addr of struct BankAccount vars john.balance = 500; p = &john; // Now *p ≡ john (*p).balance = (*p).balance + 2000; mary.balance = 500; p = &mary; // Now *p ≡ mary (*p).balance = (*p).balance + 9000; printf("j: %f m:%f\n\n", john.balance, mary.balance); } |