CS558    Syllabus & Progress

CS558 Sylabus & Progress

Material covered are displayed in blue.

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  1. Introduction

  2. Queueing Theory and Performance Analysis

  3. Performance Analisys through Simulation

  4. Analysis of the Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) scheme

  5. Analysis of the IEEE 802.11 Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) scheme

  6. Congestion control on the Internet - 1 week

  7. Network Simulation using NS2: Tcl - 1 week

  8. Network Simulation using NS2: NS programming - 0.5 week

  9. Studying the Performance of TCP using NS2 Simulation - 0.5 week

  10. Extending NS to study new Network Protocols - (Skip)

  11. Studying the Performance of TCP through Mathematical Modeling (Padhye) - 1.5 week

  12. Synchronized TCP flows - 0.5 week

  13. High Speed TCP (over Gigabit networks) - 0.5 week

  14. RTT unfariness in TCP - 0.5 week

    Providing Quality of Service on the Internet

  15. Fairness - 2 week

  16. Delay Guarantees - 1 week

    "Unusual" network protocols

  17. Multicast Routing - 1 week

  18. Video on Demand - 1 week

  19. Wavelength Division Multiplexing (lightnet) - 2 week

  20. Simulation of Wireless networks (performance analysis)

  21. Process Simulation: