- Initial attempt:
- Listen for
a IFS period
- If no
channel activity was sensed during
IFS period,
transmit the frame
(If the frame was an ACK frame,
you are done - ACK frames are
not ACKed !)
If you transmitted a data frame and
did not
receive the ACK in time,
enter the Back off mode
- If channel activity is sensed during
IFS period,
go to Back off mode
(sender tries to
randomize its
transmission so that
collision is
- This fact will be important
in understaning the
analysis of the
802.11 protocol later !!!!
- Subsequent attempts (Back off mode transmissions):
- Select the
(random) back off period
(See: click here )
- Remain inactive (but sensing
the channel all the time) for
the back off period
- The back off count down
can be interrupted
when the node detects
channel activity
The back off count down is
stopped when
channel activity is detected
- The back off count down
is only resumed
when the channel is idle
for IFS period
- When the back off count down
ends, the node
transmits immediately,
without having to
sense IFS period
If you get an ACK back,
then you are done.
Otherwise, restart from the top.... (pick another random number)