Addressing the simplification made in the interrupt processing discussion

  • Simplification in the discussion on interrupt processing:

      • There is only 1 device that can send an interrupt request signal to the CPU

  • Benefit of the simplification:

    • We do not need to choose the interrupt service routine to run.

  • Fact:

    • Each device requires its own specific interrupt service routine for servicing the interrupt request

  • Effect of multiple devices:

    • The computer system must identify interrupting device and

    • Then run its interrupt service routine

Computer with multiple devices that can send interrupt requests

In an actual computer, there are more than 1 devices that can send interrupt requests:

Each device will have its own interrupt service routine inside the Operating System

Real life computer with interrupt service

When the DMA device sends an interrupt request:


Computer with multiple devices that can send interrupt requests

The computer system must run the DMA's interrupt service routine:


Real life computer with interrupt service

When the Timer device sends an interrupt request:


Computer with multiple devices that can send interrupt requests

The computer system must run the Timer's interrupt service routine:

And so on (if there are more devices that can send interrupt requests)

The Vector Interrupt technique

  • All computers nowadays uses the "vector interrupt" technique to:

      1. Identify the device that is sending an interrupt request

      2. Make a subroutine call to the interrupt service routine for the device that is sending the interrupt request

  • Simplifying assumption:

      • Only 1 device is sending an interrupt request at any one time.

    Complication of multiple interrupts:

    • We need to prioritize the devices       and

    • Handle the interrupt of the hightest priority device

Hardware setup to support the vector interrupt device identification and handling technique

Each device is assigned a unqiue ID (= integer) called the vector number:

Example: the DMA device has vector number=4 and the Timer device has vector number=6

Hardware setup to support the vector interrupt device identification and handling technique

Each device also has its own interrupt service routine inside the Operating System:

Example: the DMA's int serv routine is at address 9800 and the Timer's routine is at address 18000

Hardware setup to support the vector interrupt device identification and handling technique

The Interrupt Base Register contains the base address of the interrupt vector table:

The interrupt vector table contains addresses of interrupt service routines (each address is 4 bytes long)

Hardware setup to support the vector interrupt device identification and handling technique

The address of the interrupt service routine of the DMA (vector number 4) is stored in entry 4:

Entry 4 has offset = 4 × 4 = 16 bytes in the Interrupt Vector Table

Hardware setup to support the vector interrupt device identification and handling technique

The address of the interrupt service routine of the Timer (vector number 6) is store in entry 6:

Entry 6 has offset = 6 × 4 = 24 bytes in the Interrupt Vector Table

Hardware setup to support the vector interrupt device identification and handling technique

Summary: the Vector number is an index in the Interrupt Vector Table

We will now discuss the vector interrupt technique that allow the CPU to run the correct interrupt service routine for the device that is sending the interrupt signal

The vector interrupt technique used in today's computer systems

Suppose that the DMA device is sending the interrupt signal:

From the previous discussion, the Operating System must run the interrupt service routine at address 9800

The vector interrupt technique used in today's computer systems

The CPU responds to the Interrupt signal by sending out the interrupt acknowledge signal:

The interrupt acknowledge signal is received by all devices !!! (We now use the simplification)

The vector interrupt technique used in today's computer systems

The Int Ack signal causes the (only) one interrupting device to send its interrupt vector on data bus:

The CPU will read the vector number from the data bus and use it as an index (like an array index) !!!

The vector interrupt technique used in today's computer systems

The CPU computes IBR + 4×VectorNumber = 2000 + 4×4 and reads the memory address 2016:

In response, the memory returns the value 8900 (in memory address 2016) on the data bus.

The vector interrupt technique used in today's computer systems

The memory data (= 9800) is read by the CPU and....

The CPU will call the subroutine at this address 9800 !!!

The vector interrupt technique used in today's computer systems

Result: the CPU runs the interrupt service routine of the DMA device

We have already discussed this interrupt service routine in click here

Summary: IO communication

  • When a running program executes an IO operation, the program may not be able to continue running (using the CPU)

      • Such a program is paused by saving its context information (= values in the CPU registers) so it can be resumed later

      • The PCB of the paused program is then stored inside a device queue so that the Operating System can find its PCB when the IO operation is completed

  • When the IO operation is completed, the PCB of a paused program is returned to the Ready Queue; so that the program can be run

    (Only processes in the Ready Queue are eligible to be run using the CPU)

      • This step requires the interrupt handling mechanism so that a running program can be interrupted

  • The interrupt handling mechanism is useful in many applications:

    • Time slicing
    • Detecting + identifying new devices when plugged in
    • etc, etc...