• Disk Fault Simulator

    A fault simulator written for Perses. This is very much "research code", but is up here in the interests of the perfect being the enemy of the "please just show me some code already." perses-code
  • SimBioSys Lab

    Current code and datasets for my lab are available at the SimBioSysLab GitHub
  • pmv

    When I started writing my dissertation, I became frustrated with all of the papers I'd collected on my computer labeled 10*.pdf. pmv is a Python script that scans a pdf for a likely title, renames the pdf, and moves it to a selected folder. It works for standard ACM and USENIX styles, but is still a bit hit or miss with neuroscience journals. The most recent version is downloadable on my github page here: pmv
  • Vim Bindings for Ciao

    I maintain a small set of vim scripts to use with the Ciao programming language. These scripts handle some ciao-specific syntax highlighting and some terminal hacking to match the builtin Ciao interpreter.
  • Currency Tracker

    Scrapes Google Finance and e-mails you an alert when the exchange rate between two currencies passes a given threshold. Great for tracking the best time to buy those conference flights. This version requires a throwaway gmail address instead of having you run a mailserver. Obviously, if you can send mail directly from your computer you ought to :-)

    Github: Currency-tracker

  • mktex

    Little script to compile pdfs with all of the font embedding built in: Uses ps2pdf instead of pdftex for .eps support. Doesn't really deserve to be here, but if it saves some graduate student a futile afternoon of trying to understand why ACM won't take their preprint, I'll be pleased.
        latex ${1}.tex
        bibtex ${1}
        latex ${1}.tex
        dvips -Ppdf -G0 -f ${1}.dvi > ${1}.ps
        ps2pdf -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -dEmbedAllFonts=true
        -dCompatibilityLevel=1.3 -dSubsetFonts=true  -dMaxSubsetPct=100
        -dAutoFilterColorImages=false  -dColorImageFilter=/FlateEncode
        -dAutoFilterGrayImages=false  -dGrayImageFilter=/FlateEncode
        -dAutoFilterMonoImages=false  -dMonoImageFilter=/CCITTFaxEncode  ${1}.ps