[5/2023] One paper is accepted in KDD 2023.
[5/2023] Invited to serve as the PC Vice-Chair for Bench'23.
[4/2023] Received an IARPA grant on interpretable authorship attribution and obfuscation [IIT News].
[4/2023] Two papers are accepted in ACM SIGSIM-PADS’23.
[3/2023] Keynote invitation in BeyondFacts 2023 workshop, collocated in TheWebConf'23
[2/2023] AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar Award Honorable Mention in Data Mining, Aminer 2023.
[2/2023] Grateful to receive a NSF SaTC grant to study the computational approaches for disinformation.
[2/2023] One paper is accepted in TheWebConf 2023.
[1/2023] One paper is accepted in EACL 2023.
[10/2022] Received a DARPA grant on modeling misinformation pathways, joint with Charles River Analytics.
[9/2022] Invited to talk (remotely) at Tsinghua University and Georgetown University.
[9/2022] Invited to talk at Cisco Research Responsible AI Summit.
[8/2022] Received two IIT ACT Center Computational Interdisciplinary Seed Funding to study disinformation and pandemic modeling [IIT News].
[7/2022] Invited to serve as a Senior PC for AAAI 2023.
[6/2022] Invited to talk at Cisco Research on fair machine learning.
[5/2022] One paper is accepted in KDD 2022.
[4/2022] Our 2017 fake news survey paper is the most popular article in SIGKDD Explorations.
[4/2022] One paper is accepted in NAACL 2022.
[4/2022] Received a Cisco Research Award to support our research on explainable AI with fairness and privacy.
[3/2022] Keynote invitation in SocialNLP 2022 workshop, collocated in TheWebConf'22
[3/2022] Invited to participate in a panel on How Data Science Impacts Industry, Education, and Society, College of Computing Speaker Series.
[2/2022] AI 2000 Most Influential Scholar Honorable Mention (Data Mining), Aminer 2022.
[1/2022] Two papers are accepted in TheWebConf 2022.
[12/2021] Invited to talk at The University of Chicago on Combating Disinformation on Social Media.
[11/2021] Finalist, the 2021 BenchCouncil Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Award.
[11/2021] Received the 2021 Google Cloud Research Credits Award.
[10/2021] Two papers are accepted in IEEE BigData 2021.
[10/2021] One paper is accepted in WSDM 2022.
[9/2021] One paper is accepted in ICONIP 2021.
[9/2021] Received a seed grant from Illinois Institute of Technology, joint with IIT Chem. and Bio. Engineering.
[8/2021] Received a seed grant from Discovery Partners of Institute, joint with UIC Medicine.
[8/2021] Grateful to receive a NSF grant to study the intersection of HPC and AI.
[8/2021] One journal paper is accepted in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS).
[5/2021] Invited to serve as a PC member for CIKM 2021, WSDM 2022.
[5/2021] Two papers are accepted in SIGKDD 2021.
[4/2021] Invited to serve as a PC member for EMNLP 2021.
[4/2021] One paper is accepted in SIGIR 2021.
[3/2021] Happy to participate in a panel on social ethics with Women and Gender Minorities in S.T.E.M. (WiSTEM) at IIT.
[2/2021] Invited to serve as the PC Chair for ASONAM 2021.
[1/2021] Invited to serve on the editorial board of SNAM journal.
[12/2020] Invited to serve as a PC member for KDD 2021, ACL 2021.
[12/2020] One paper is accepted in AAAI 2021.
[11/2020] Invited to (remotely) talk at Hohai University, China.
[11/2020] Received the Dean's Dissertation Award, ASU Fulton Schools of Engineering [Certificate].
[11/2020] Invited to co-chair ICWSM 2021 Data Challenge.
[9/2020] One paper is accepted in EMNLP 2020.
[8/2020] Invited to talk at the 5th China National Conference on Big Data & Social Computing (BDSC 2020). Received the Rising Star Award (Certificate in Chinese).
[8/2020] Invited to serve as a PC member for AAAI 2021.
[8/2020] Invited to talk (remotely) at Pinterest ML Lunch talk.
[7/2020] Invited to serve as a PC member for TheWebConf 2021.
[7/2020] Two papers are accepted in CIKM 2020.
[7/2020] Invited to serve as a PC member for SDM 2021.
[6/2020] Received the Best Reviewer Award in ICWSM 2020.
[6/2020] Invited to serve as a PC member for WSDM 2021.
[6/2020] Two papers are accepted in ECML-PKDD 2020.
[4/2020] One paper is accepted in SIGIR'20.
[3/2020] Received the ASU CIDSE Doctoral Fellowship.
[11/2019] One paper is accepted in ICWSM'20
[8/2019] Invited talk (remotely participating) at Microsoft AI on Learning with Weak Supervision.
[8/2019] Invited to serve as a PC member for AAAI'20.
[6/2019] Invited talk at Microsoft Research AI Power Lunch talk series on fake news detection.
[6/2019] Received the student travel award for KDD'19.
[6/2019] Two papers are accepted in ASONAM'19.
[4/2019] One paper on "Explainable Fake News Detection" is accepted in KDD'19.
[4/2019] Our tutorial on "Fake News Research: Theories, Detection Strategies, and Open Problems" is accepted in KDD'19. See you in Anchorage, Alaska!
[3/2019] One paper on exploiting emojis for sarcasm detection got accepted at SBP.
[3/2019] Invited to serve as PC member in ASONAM'19.
[11/2018] I gave an invited talk on "Fake News on Social Media: Characterization and Detection", at the Second International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Optimization (WAIO 2018).
[11/2018] One paper is accepted in AAAI 2019.
[10/2018] 2 papers and 1 tutorial are accepted in WSDM 2019. Check here for more details for the tutorial.
[08/2018] I was interviewed by Data Skeptic, the most downloaded data related podcast on iTunes, talking about our research on fake news detection.
[07/2018] FakeNewsTracker was awarded the Challenge Winner for the disinformation challenge in SBP 2018.
[07/2018] We released a tool FakeNewsTracker, for collecting, analyzing, and visualizing of fake news and the related dissemination on social media. Check it out!
[03/2018] ''The data defenders'', ASU Now.
[02/2018] I attended WSDM 2018 and gave a spotlight presentation. The datasets will be available soon!
[12/2017] The FakeNewsNet dataset is available now! Github, Kaggle.
[10/2017] Our survey about fake news detection on social media is featured in KDNuggets!