sively studied in the database area and applied to data warehousing and business intelli-
gence. Based on this survey [72], existing methods exploit features in three ways, namely
numerical, rule-based, and workflow-based. Numerical approaches combine the similarity
score of each feature into a weighted sum to decide linkage [39]; rule-based approaches
derive match decision through a logical combination of testing separate rules of each fea-
ture with a threshold; workflow-based methods apply a sequence of feature comparison in
an iterative way. Both supervised such as TAILOR [37] and MARLIN [15], and unsu-
pervised approaches such as MOMA [151] and SERF [13] are studied in the literature.
• Time Recording: aims to remove outdated knowledge. is task is important giving that
fake news pieces are often related to newly emerging events. Existing work on time record-
ing mainly utilize the Compound Value Type structure to allow facts incorporating begin-
ning and ending date annotations [17], or adding extra assertions to current facts [52].
• Knowledge Fusion: (or truth discovery) aims to identify true subject-predicate-object
triples extracted by multiple information extractors from multiple information sources [36,
79]. Truth discovery methods do not explore the claims directly, but rely on a collec-
tion of contradicting sources that record the properties of objects to determine the truth
value. Truth discovery aims to determine the source credibility and object truthfulness at the
same time. Fake news detection can benefit from various aspects of truth discovery ap-
proaches under different scenarios. For example, the credibility of different news outlets
can be modeled to infer the truthfulness of reported news. As another example, relevant
social media posts can also be modeled as social response sources to better determine the
truthfulness of claims [93, 167]. However, there are some other issues that must be con-
sidered to apply truth discovery to fake news detection in social media scenarios. First,
most existing truth discovery methods focus on handling structured input in the form of
subject-predicate-object (SPO) tuples, while social media data is highly unstructured and
noisy. Second, truth discovery methods cannot be well applied when a fake news article
is newly launched and published by only a few news outlets because at that point there is
not enough social media posts relevant to it to serve as additional sources.
• Link Prediction: on knowledge graphs aims to predict new fact from existing facts. is
is important since existing knowledge graphs are often missing many facts, and some of
the edges they contain are incorrect. Relational machine learning methods are widely used
to infer new knowledge representations [97], including latent feature models and graph
feature models. Latent feature models exploit the latent features or entities to learn the
possible SPO triples. For example, RESCAL [98] is a bilinear relational learning model
that explain triples through pairwise interactions of latent features. Graph feature mod-
els assume that the existence of an edge can be predicted by extracting features from the
observed edges in the graph, such as Markov logic programming or path ranking algo-
rithms. For example, Markov Random Fields (MRFs) [129] encode dependencies of facts