First and foremost, we are thankful to our colleagues in the Data Mining and Machine Learning
Lab for their helpful suggestions: Deepak Mahudeswaran, Issac Jones, Justin Sampson, Tahora
H. Nazer, Suhas Ranganath, Jundong Li, Liang Wu, Ghazaleh Beigi, Lu Cheng, Nur Shazwani
Kamrudin, Ruocheng Guo, Kaize Ding, Raha Moraffah, Matthew Davis, Ahmadreza Mosal-
lanezhad, and Alex Nou.
We are grateful to our collaborators for their helpful discussion on this project: H. Russell
Bernard, Suhang Wang, Dongwon Lee, Juan Cao, Jiliang Tang, Reza Zafarani, Nitin Agarwal,
Kathleen Carley, Sun-Ki Chai, Rebecca Goolsby, Amy Sliva, Eric Newton, and Kristy Roschke.
We would like to acknowledge Morgan & Claypool, particularly the Executive Editor Diane D.
Cerra for her patience, help, and encouragement throughout this project. is work is part of the
projects sponsored by grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF) under grant number
1614576, the Office of Naval Research (ONR) under grant number N00014-16-1-2257.
Last but not the least, we are deeply indebted to our families for their support throughout
this entire project. We dedicate this book to them, with love.
Kai Shu and Huan Liu
June 2019