SaTC: Core: Small: Targeting Challenges in Computational Disinformation Research to Enhance Attribution, Detection, and Explanation


The use of social media has accelerated information sharing and instantaneous communications. The low barrier to enter social media enables more users to participate and makes them stay engaged longer, incentivizing individuals with a hidden agenda to spread disinformation online to manipulate information and sway opinion. Disinformation, such as fake news, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories, has increasingly become a hindrance to the functioning of online social media as an effective channel for trustworthy information. Cases are emerging where deliberately-fabricated disinformation is weaponized to divide people and create detrimental societal effects. Therefore, it is imperative to understand disinformation and to systematically investigate how we can improve resistance against it, taking into account the tension between the need for information and the need for security and protection from disinformation. The goal of the proposed research is to study the scientific underpinnings of disinformation and develop a computational framework to attribute, detect, and explain disinformation to inform policymaking. Developing such a framework depends greatly on close interaction across interdisciplinary theories, machine learning, and social media mining, which this project intends to unify. The project will develop fundamental improvements and develop new knowledge and a systematic computational framework to address major (provenance, data, and explainability) challenges when tackling online disinformation.


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    This project is suported by National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grant #2241068. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed here are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

    Created by Kai Shu who can be reached at kai.shu at

    Last Upadted: Jan. 1, 2025