CS 558 - Computer Networking
Homework 9
Due: See class webpage.
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Question 1 (30 pts)
- High light the links of the forward (path) tree
that is rooted at node A in the following network:
(20 pts)
- Give the content of the
routing table
for node A:
Question 2 (20 pts)
Question 3 (25 pts)
- What are the advantages of pyramid broadcast ? (5 pts)
- What are the disadvantages of pyramid broadcast ? (5 pts)
- Can pyramid broadcast be used in live video transmission ?
If yes, explain why, if no, explain why not. (5 pts)
- Suppose the video data consumption rate is 1 Mbps.
We use pyramid broadcast to transmit 100 video objects and
each video object is 100 min in length.
The total bandwidth of the transmissin medium is 1 Gbps.
- If we divide the video objects into 4 fragments,
what is the maximum size ratio f between the successive
fragments so that the receiver will not be disrupted (5 pts) ?
- And if we divide the video objects into 10 fragments,
what is the maximum size ratio between the successive
fragments so that the receiver will not be disrupted (5 pts) ?
Question 4 (25 pts)
Suppose the video data consumption rate is 1 Mbps.
We want to broadcast 100 video objects and each video object is 100 min in
The total bandwidth of the transmissin medium is 1 Gbps.
- What is the access time if we use the staggered broadcast method ?
(5 pts)
- Suppose we use the pyramid broadcast method and divide the video
objects into 4 fragments.
What is the access time ? (10 pts)
- We use the pyramid broadcast method and divide the video
objects into 10 fragments.
What is the access time ? (10 pts)