Review: the memories in a CPU/GPU computer system

Recall: the host memory and device memory are separate memory systems


Review: the memories in a CPU/GPU computer system

Data used by CPU and GPU must be transfered between host memory and device memory:


How data transfer operations between RAM and device memory are performed in CUDA

  • Prior to the release of CUDA 6:

      • CUDA programs must use (= call) the CUDA library function:

           cudaMemcpy( )       

        to transfer data between the host memory and device memory

  • CUDA 6 and later:

      • Implements the "Unified memory" technique that performs data transfer operations on demand

CUDA's Unified memory

Unified memory = a memory model (implemented with system software by NVidia) presented to the CUDA programmer where the CPU and the GPU "sees" the same computer memory:




Recall: the CPU and GPU have separate memories !!!

Using hardware support, NVidia wrote software that performs a data transfer operation between the CPU/GPU memories when needed !!

How does the unified memory work ?

The CUDA "C part" program defines a variable and specifies it as __managed__:

__managed__ variables are stored in both RAM and dev memory !

How does the unified memory work ?

Initially, the copy of a __managed__ variable in the host memory (RAM) is "active":

.... and the copy of a __managed__ variable in the device memory is "inactive"

How does the unified memory work ?

CPU code can update a (active) __manage__ variable:

The copy in the device memory is not updated by a CPU operation on the RAM copy !!

How does the unified memory work ?

When some GPU code wants to use (= read/write) an inactive __manage__ variable:

The access operation will trigger the Unified memory subsystem to perform an automated transfer operation first !

How does the unified memory work ?

The Unified memory software will transfer the active copy to the inactive:

... and swap the active/inactive states !!

How does the unified memory work ?

After the transfer, the GPU access operation is executed:

So the GPU will always use the latest updated value in a __managed__ variable !!

How does the unified memory work ?

If later, the CPU code accesses the __managed__ variable:

Accessing the inactive copy of a __managed__ variable will trigger a transfer operation again first...

How does the unified memory work ?

The Unified memory subsystem first transfer the data:

... and swap the active/inactive states

How does the unified memory work ?

Then proceed with the access (= read or write) operation:


There is one caveat in using Unified memory !!

Caveat::   the on-demand transfer operation happens at the moment the CPU/GPU access the __managed__ variable

Therefore::   You must make sure that the CPU/GPU program(s) (that run concurrently) have completed the computation when a managed variable is used/accessed !!!

Example of using unified memory

We like to write a CUDA program with the following program flow:

  CPU CUDA program               GPU CUDA program
  ----------------               ----------------

        __managed__ int x (shared variable) 

  x = 1234; // (1) Init x

  Launch a GPU kernel
  that increments x;   ------->  Kernel:
                                    print(x); // (2) Prints int value   
                                    x++;      // (3) Incr x
          +------------------------- +
  print(x); // (4) Prints incr value

I will first show you a wrong program; then a corrected one...

Example of a case where the GPU did not finish update in time

Consider the following CUDA program: (CPU fails to see the update !)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

__managed__  int  x;   // Defines shared variable !!!

__global__ void GPU_func( )
   printf("GPU sees x = %d\n", x);

int main()
   x = 1234;
   GPU_func<<< 1, 1 >>>( );      // Run 1 thread

   printf("CPU sees x = %d\n", x); // Transfer x  happens HERE
   cudaDeviceSynchronize( ); // Wait for GPU to finish

DEMO: /home/cs355001/demo/CUDA/2-unified-mem/

Example of a case where the GPU did not finish update in time

Why did the CPU fail to see the update:   initial state

 time   CPU                        GPU
       ------------------         ------------------
   |    x (active) = ?             x (inactive) = ? 
   |    x = 1234 
   |    GPU_func( )                print(x)
   |    print(x)                   x++;
   |    Synchronize( ); 



DEMO: /home/cs355001/demo/CUDA/2-unified-mem/

Example of a case where the GPU did not finish update in time

The CPU executes x=1234:

 time   CPU                        GPU
       ------------------         ------------------
   |    x (active) = 1234          x (inactive) = ? 
   |    x = 1234 
   |    GPU_func( )                print(x)
   |    print(x)                   x++;
   |    Synchronize( ); 



DEMO: /home/cs355001/demo/CUDA/2-unified-mem/

Example of a case where the GPU did not finish update in time

The CPU launches one CUDA thread:

 time   CPU                        GPU
       ------------------         ------------------
   |    x (active) = 1234          x (inactive) = ? 
   |    x = 1234 
   |    GPU_func( )     launch-->  print(x)
   |    print(x)                   x++;
   |    Synchronize( ); 



DEMO: /home/cs355001/demo/CUDA/2-unified-mem/

Example of a case where the GPU did not finish update in time

A kernel launch is asynchronous and the CPU will continue with its execution:

 time   CPU                        GPU
       ------------------         ------------------
   |    x (active) = 1234          x (inactive) = ? 
   |    x = 1234 
   |    GPU_func( )     launch-->  print(x)
   |    print(x)                   x++;
   |    Synchronize( ); 

      CPU sees x = 1234  // That's why we see this first !


DEMO: /home/cs355001/demo/CUDA/2-unified-mem/

Example of a case where the GPU did not finish update in time

Synchronize( ) makes the CPU program wait for the GPU kernel to finish:

 time   CPU                        GPU
       ------------------         ------------------
   |    x (active) = 1234          x (inactive) = ? 
   |    x = 1234 
   |    GPU_func( )     launch-->  print(x)
   |    print(x)                   x++;
   |    Synchronize( ); 

      CPU sees x = 1234  // That's why we see this first !


DEMO: /home/cs355001/demo/CUDA/2-unified-mem/

Example of a case where the GPU did not finish update in time

Now, the GPU executes print(x):

 time   CPU                        GPU
       ------------------         ------------------
   |    x (inactive) = 1234        x (active) = 1234 
   |    x = 1234 
   |    GPU_func( )     launch-->  print(x)
   |    print(x)                   x++; 
   |    Synchronize( ); 

      CPU sees x = 1234  // That's why we see this first !
      GPU sees x = 1234  // That's why we see this next !

DEMO: /home/cs355001/demo/CUDA/2-unified-mem/

Example of correct use of Unified Memory

The following CUDA program implements the behavior correctly:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

__managed__  int  x;   // Defines shared variable !!!

__global__ void GPU_func( )
   printf("GPU sees x = %d\n", x);

int main()
   x = 1234;
   GPU_func<<< 1, 1 >>>( );      // Run 1 thread

   cudaDeviceSynchronize( ); // Wait for GPU to finish 
   printf("CPU sees x = %d\n", x); // Transfer x  happens HERE

DEMO: /home/cs355001/demo/CUDA/2-unified-mem/

Example of correct use of Unified Memory

Why did the CPU succeed to see the update:   initial state

 time   CPU                        GPU
       ------------------         ------------------
   |    x (active) = ?             x (inactive) = ? 
   |    x = 1234 
   |    GPU_func( )                print(x)
   |    Synchronize( );            x++;
   |    print(x);       



DEMO: /home/cs355001/demo/CUDA/2-unified-mem/

Example of correct use of Unified Memory

The CPU executes x=1234:

 time   CPU                        GPU
       ------------------         ------------------
   |    x (active) = 1234          x (inactive) = ? 
   |    x = 1234 
   |    GPU_func( )                print(x)
   |    Synchronize( );            x++;
   |    print(x);       



DEMO: /home/cs355001/demo/CUDA/2-unified-mem/

Example of correct use of Unified Memory

The CPU launches one CUDA thread:

 time   CPU                        GPU
       ------------------         ------------------
   |    x (active) = 1234          x (inactive) = ? 
   |    x = 1234 
   |    GPU_func( )     launch-->  print(x)
   |    Synchronize( );            x++;
   |    print(x);       



DEMO: /home/cs355001/demo/CUDA/2-unified-mem/

Example of correct use of Unified Memory

A kernel launch is asynchronous and the CPU will continue with its execution:

 time   CPU                        GPU
       ------------------         ------------------
   |    x (active) = 1234          x (inactive) = ? 
   |    x = 1234 
   |    GPU_func( )     launch-->  print(x)
   |    Synchronize( ); *wait*     x++;
   |    print(x);       



DEMO: /home/cs355001/demo/CUDA/2-unified-mem/

Example of correct use of Unified Memory

Later, the GPU executes print(x):

 time   CPU                        GPU
       ------------------         ------------------
   |    x (inactive) = 1234        x (active) = 1234 
   |    x = 1234 
   |    GPU_func( )     launch-->  print(x)
   |    Synchronize( ); *wait*     x++;
   |    print(x);       

      GPU sees x = 1234  // That's why we see this first !


DEMO: /home/cs355001/demo/CUDA/2-unified-mem/

Example of correct use of Unified Memory

Then the GPU executes x++:

 time   CPU                        GPU
       ------------------         ------------------
   |    x (inactive) = 1234        x (active) = 1235 
   |    x = 1234 
   |    GPU_func( )     launch-->  print(x)
   |    Synchronize( ); *wait*     x++;
   |    print(x);       

      GPU sees x = 1234  // That's why we see this first !


DEMO: /home/cs355001/demo/CUDA/2-unified-mem/

Example of correct use of Unified Memory

The GPU finishes execution and the CPU will synchronize successfully:

 time   CPU                        GPU
       ------------------         ------------------
   |    x (inactive) = 1234        x (active) = 1235 
   |    x = 1234 
   |    GPU_func( )     launch-->  print(x)
   |    Synchronize( ); *DONE*     x++;
   |    print(x);       

      GPU sees x = 1234  // That's why we see this first !


DEMO: /home/cs355001/demo/CUDA/2-unified-mem/

Example of correct use of Unified Memory

The CPU executes print(x) and causes a transfer:

 time   CPU                        GPU
       ------------------         ------------------
   |    x (active) = 1235          x (inactive) = 1235 
   |    x = 1234 
   |    GPU_func( )     launch-->  print(x)
   |    Synchronize( ); *DONE*     x++;
   |    print(x);       

      GPU sees x = 1234  // That's why we see this first !
      CPU sees x = 1235

DEMO: /home/cs355001/demo/CUDA/2-unified-mem/