Computing π with numerical integration

  • One of the many ways to compute the value of π is:

       π =   (2.0/sqrt(1 - x*x))  dx 

  • You can prove this equality by compute the integral using Matlab as follows:

       >> syms x
       >> int( 2/sqrt(1-x*x), 0, 1 )
       ans = pi

  • We will use this integral to compute an approximation for π using:

    • Numerical integration

DEMO: matlab -nodesktop

Numerical integration

  • The integral:

       f(x)  dx 

    is equal to the area under the function f(x) between the points x = 0 and x = 1:

Numerical integration

  • The integral:

       f(x)  dx 

    can be approximated by the sum of the area of N rectangles:

    The width of each rectangle w = 1/N.

Numerical integration

  • The area of the first rectangle:

       f(x)  dx  ~= w*f(0.5w) + ...

    is equal to   w × f(0.5w):

    The width = w and the height = f(0.5w)

Numerical integration

  • The area of the 2nd rectangle:

       f(x)  dx  ~= w*f(0.5w) + w*f(1.5w) + ...

    is equal to   w × f(1.5w):

    The width = w and the height = f(1.5w)

Numerical integration

  • The sum of the area of N rectangles is:

       f(x)  dx  ~= w*f(0.5w) + w*f(1.5w) + ... + w*f( (N-1)+0.5)*w )

    which can be computed numerically

    Note:   the approximation is better when N is larger....

Numerical integration

  • The integral:

       f(x)  dx  ~= w*f(0.5w) + w*f(1.5w) + ... + w*f( (N-1)+0.5)*w )

    can be approximated numerically as follows:

       Integral = 0;
       w = (1 - 0)/N;    // The width of each rectangle
       for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
          x = (i+0.5)*w;
          Integral = Integral + w * f(x); // w * f(x) is area of rectangle

  • This algorithm is called the "Rectangle Rule" in Numerical Analysis...

Approximating π using the Rectangle Rule

  • The Rectangle Rule algorithm in C used to approximate π:

    double f(double x)
        return( 2.0 / sqrt(1 - x*x) ); // Used to approximate pi
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        int    i;
        int    N;
        double sum;
        double x, w;
        N = ...;     // N will determine the accuracy of the approximation
        w = 1.0/N;   // a = 0, b = 1, so: (b-a) = 1.0
        sum = 0.0;
        for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
            x = (i + 0.5) * w;
            sum = sum + w*f(x);
        printf("Pi = %lf", sum);

DEMO: demo/pthread/compute-pi.c

Common technique to parallelize program with multi-threaded program

  • How to parallelize a single-threaded program:

    • Consider program segments where work can be performed concurrently

  • Good place to look:

    • Loops !!!

  • Example of a loop that can be parallelized:

       for (i = 0; i < N; i = i + 1)
          x = w*(i + 0.5);    
          sum = sum + w*f(x);
       Loop computes:
          w*f(0.5w) + w*f(1.5w) + w*f(2.5w) + ... + w*f( (N-1)+0.5)*w )

Parallelizing loops with multi-threaded programming

  • Example of a loop that can be parallelized with multi-threaded programming:

       for (i = 0; i < N; i = i + 1)
          x = w*(i + 0.5);    
          sum = sum + w*f(x);
       Loop computes:
          w*f(0.5w) + w*f(1.5w) + w*f(2.5w) + ... + w*f( (N-1)+0.5)*w )

  • Traditional work load distribution between 2 threads:

          values added by thread 0          values added by thread 1
      Thread 0 computes: w*f(0.5w) + w*f(1.5w) + .... w*f(0.5-0.5w)
      Thread 1 computes: w*f(0.5+0.5w) + w*f(0.5+1.5w) + ... + w*f(1.0+0.5w)

Parallelizing loops with multi-threaded programming

  • Example of a loop that can be parallelized with multi-threaded programming:

       for (i = 0; i < N; i = i + 1)
          x = w*(i + 0.5);    
          sum = sum + w*f(x);
       Loop computes:
          w*f(0.5w) + w*f(1.5w) + w*f(2.5w) + ... + w*f( (N-1)+0.5)*w )

  • Alternate way to distribute the work load between 2 threads ( easier to code):

                    values added by thread 0
       |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
       V   V   V   V   V   V   V   V   V   V   V   V   V   V
         ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^
         |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
                    values added by thread 1
      Thread 0 computes: w*f( (0+0.5)w ) + w*f( (2+0.5)w ) + .... 
      Thread 1 computes: w*f( (1+0.5)w ) + w*f( (3+0.5)w ) + ....

Comment:   paging and multi-threaded programming

  • Multi-threaded program that scans of memory data can be affected by paging


                    values accessed by thread 0
       |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
       V   V   V   V   V   V   V   V   V   V   V   V   V   V
         ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^
         |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
                    values accessed by thread 1
      Thread 0 accesses:   a[0]  a[2]  ...   // Access memory variables
      Thread 1 accesses:   a[1]  a[3]  ...   // Access memory variables

  • However: computation that do not access memory is not affected by paging:

      Thread 0 computes: w*f( (0+0.5)w ) + w*f( (2+0.5)w ) + .... 
      Thread 1 computes: w*f( (1+0.5)w ) + w*f( (3+0.5)w ) + ....

Multi-threaded program to compute the approximation π using the Rectangle Rule

  • Recall the single-threaded program in C to approximate π:

    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        int    i;
        int    N;        // <----- Share this variable
        double sum;      // <----- Share this variable
        double x, w;
        N = ...;     // N will determine the accuracy of the approximation
        w = 1.0/N;   // a = 0, b = 1, so: (b-a) = 1.0
        sum = 0.0;
        for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
            x = (i + 0.5) * w;
            sum = sum + w*f(x);

Multi-threaded program to compute the approximation π using the Rectangle Rule

  • We must make N and sum shared variables because they are used by all threads:

    int    N;    // # intervalues              Shared variables
    double sum;  // Sum of rectangles
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        N = ...;     // N will determine the accuracy of the approximation
        sum = 0.0;
        Create threads to do the work...
        Wait for threads to finish...

Multi-threaded program to compute the approximation π using the Rectangle Rule

  • Create num_threads threads to do the work:

    int    N;    // # intervalues              Shared variables
    double sum;  // Sum of rectangles
    int num_threads; // # Threads used
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        N = ...;     // N will determine the accuracy of the approximation
        sum = 0.0;
        num_threads = ...;    // # threads used
        pthread_t tid[100];   // Used for pthread_join()
        int id[100];          // Start index values for each thread
        for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) 
            id[i] = i; 
            pthread_create(&tid[i], NULL, PIworker, &id[i]); 

Multi-threaded program to compute the approximation π using the Rectangle Rule

  • Wait for all threads to complete:

    int    N;    // # intervalues              Shared variables
    double sum;  // Sum of rectangles
    int num_threads; // # Threads used
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        N = ...;     // N will determine the accuracy of the approximation
        sum = 0.0;
        num_threads = ...;    // # threads used
        pthread_t tid[100];   // Used for pthread_join()
        int id[100];          // Start index values for each thread
        for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) 
            id[i] = i; 
            pthread_create(&tid[i], NULL, PIworker, &id[i]); 
        for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; i = i + 1)  // Wait for threads
            pthread_join(tid[i], NULL);

The PIworker( ) function

  • The PIworker(id) function will compute a part of the total sum that starts at index id:

    int    N;    // # intervalues              Shared variables
    double sum;  // Sum of rectangles
    int num_threads; // # Threads used
    void *PIworker(int *id)
        int i, myStart;
        double x;
        double w = 1.0/N;
        myStart = *id;
           for (i = myStart; i < N; i = i + num_threads)
               x = w * ((double) i + 0.5);     // next x
               sum = sum + w*f(x);             // Add to sum

The PIworker( ) function

  • The PIworker(id) function will compute a part of the total sum that starts at index id:

    int    N;    // # intervalues              Shared variables
    double sum;  // Sum of rectangles
    int num_threads; // # Threads used
    void *PIworker(int *id)
        int i, myStart;
        double x;
        double w = 1.0/N;
        /*** Get the parameter (which is my starting index) ***/
        myStart = *id;
        /*** Compute sum, skipping every "num_threads" items ***/
        for (i = myStart; i < N; i = i + num_threads)
            x = w * ((double) i + 0.5);     // next x
            sum = sum + w*f(x);             // Add to sum

DEMO: demo/pthread/compute-pi-mt0.c --- Synchronization error...

Synchronizing the updates in the PIworker( ) function

  • We must use a mutex variable to synchronize the updates to the shared variable sum:

    int    N;    // # intervalues              Shared variables
    double sum;  // Sum of rectangles
    int num_threads; // # Threads used
    pthread_mutex_t sum_mutex;
    void *PIworker(int *id)
        int i, myStart;
        double x;
        double w = 1.0/N;
        /*** Get the parameter (which is my starting index) ***/
        myStart = *id;
        /*** Compute sum, skipping every "num_threads" items ***/
        for (i = myStart; i < N; i = i + num_threads)
            x = w * ((double) i + 0.5);     // next x
            sum = sum + w*f(x);             // Add to sum

Synchronizing the updates in the PIworker( ) function

  • We must initialize the mutex variable in main( ) before creating the threads:

    pthread_mutex_t sum_mutex;
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        N = ...;     // N will determine the accuracy of the approximation
        w = 1.0/N;   // a = 0, b = 1, so: (b-a) = 1.0
        sum = 0.0;
        pthread_mutex_int(&sum_mutex, NULL);
        num_threads = ...; // # threads used
        pthread_t tid[100];   // Used for pthread_join()
        int id[100];          // Start index values for each thread
        for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) 
            id[i] = i; 
            pthread_create(&tid[i], NULL, PIworker, &id[i]); 
        for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i = i + 1)  // Wait for threads
            pthread_join(tid[i], NULL);

DEMO: demo/pthread/compute-pi-mt1.c --- Synchronization bottleneck...

Synchronization Bottleneck

  • Simultaneous updates to shared variables can cause:

    • Synchronization bottlenecks in parallel programs

  • Synchronization bottleneck:

    • When parallel executions must wait for each other

    • The parallel executions will behave like a sequential execution

    Example: only one (= 1) thread will be able to execute sum = sum + + w*f(x)

        for (i = myStart; i < N; i = i + num_threads)
            x = w * ((double) i + 0.5);     // next x
            sum = sum + w*f(x);             // Serial execution !!

Avoiding synchronized updates

  • Synchronization is required to update shared variable:

    int    N, num_threads;
    double sum;        // <---- Shared variable
    pthread_mutex_t sum_mutex;
    void *PIworker(int *id)
        int i, myStart;
        double x;
        double w = 1.0/N;
        /*** Get the parameter (which is my starting index) ***/
        myStart = *id;
        /*** Compute sum, skipping every "num_threads" items ***/
        for (i = myStart; i < N; i = i + num_threads)
            x = w * ((double) i + 0.5);     // next x
            sum = sum + w*f(x);       // Synchronize access to shared var

Avoiding synchronized updates

  • Use a local variable to avoid synchronization:

    int    N, num_threads;
    double sum;        // <---- Shared variable
    pthread_mutex_t sum_mutex;
    void *PIworker(int *id)
        int i, myStart;
        double x;
        double w = 1.0/N;
        /*** Get the parameter (which is my starting index) ***/
        myStart = *id;
        int mySum = 0.0;    // <---- Not shared 
        for (i = myStart; i < N; i = i + num_threads)
            x = w * ((double) i + 0.5);     // next x
            mySum = mySum + w*f(x);  // Use local var to avoid synchr

Avoiding synchronized updates

  • Add the final total using a synchronized update:

    int    N, num_threads;
    double sum;        // <---- Shared variable
    pthread_mutex_t sum_mutex;
    void *PIworker(int *id)
        int i, myStart;
        double x;
        double w = 1.0/N;
        /*** Get the parameter (which is my starting index) ***/
        myStart = *id;
        int mySum = 0.0;    // <---- Not shared 
        for (i = myStart; i < N; i = i + num_threads)
            x = w * ((double) i + 0.5);     // next x
            mySum = mySum + w*f(x);  // Use local var to avoid synchr
        sum = sum + mySum;       // Synchronize access to shared var

DEMO: demo/pthread/compute-pi-mt2.c