Developing the simple CPU - purpose of the datapath

  • Previously, we learned that a CPU can execute the following 2 catagories of instructions:

      Catagory 1:   Register --> ALU --> Register
        Move:        mov, movw, movt
        Arithmetic:  add, sub, mul, cmp
        Branching:   b, bgt, bge, blt, blt, beq, bne    
      Catagory 2:   Register --> ALU --> MDR     
                    MDR      --> ALU --> Register
        Load:        ldr  r1, [r2]
        Store:       str  r1, [r2]

  • Catagory 1: data flows as follows: Register ---> ALU ---> Register

  • Catagory 2: data flows as follows: Register ---> ALU ---> MDR
                 or:                                        MDR ---> ALU ---> Register

The parts of the datapath that we have discussed so far

(1) How to forward source registers to the ALU
(2) How to select a register to update with the output of the ALU

The parts of the datapath that we have discussed so far

(1) How to forward source registers to the ALU

The parts of the datapath that we have discussed so far

(1) How to forward source registers to the ALU

The parts of the datapath that we have discussed so far

(2) How to select a register to update with the output of the ALU

The parts of the datapath that we have discussed so far

(2) How to select a register to update with the output of the ALU

The parts of the datapath that we have discussed so far

(3) How to connect the MAR register to the address bus
(4) How to connect the MDR register to the data bus

The parts of the datapath that we have discussed so far

(3) How to connect the MAR register to the address bus
(4) How to connect the MDR register to the data bus


Nomenclature: A-bus, B-bus and C-bus of the Datapath

For convenience sake, we call the following buses: the A-bus, the B-bus and the C-bus:

Adding support for shift operation

(1) We first add a shifter circuit after the ALU to shift the ALU output left or right:

Assesing the CPU: no pathway to transfer info between registers and MAR & MDR

Notice that:   there are no paths connecting the MAR and MDR registers and the other CPU registers:

Adding more connections - review: rules on connecting circuit components

Review: you cannot connect 2 outputs with each other



Note: later in the course, you will learn about a "high impedance" output circuit that can be connected together.

Add pathway to send value in a register to the MAR

(2) We connect the B-bus to the inputs of the MDR:

This will allow the CPU to transfer an address from a register to the MAR in the ldr and str instructions

Add pathway to send a value in a register to the MDR

(3) We connect the C-bus to the inputs of the MDR:

This will allow the CPU to transfer data from a register to the MDR in the str instructions

Add pathway to send a value in the MDR to a register

(4) We connect the MDR to the inputs of the ALU:

This will allow the CPU to transfer data from the MDR to a register in the ldr instructions

Add pathway to send a value in the MDR to a register

(4) Unfortunately, we cannot connect the MDR outputs directly to the ALU inputs:

Because this will connect the outputs of the MDR to the outputs of a register !

Add pathway to send a value in the MDR to a register

(4) Solution:   we use a 2 way multiplexor to switch between the register outputs and the MDR outputs:

The A-Select signal is used to choose between the A-bus data and the MDR data

Registers are added to buffer the input values for the ALU to simplify timing

(5) The registers A-buffer and B-buffer are added on the A-bus and B-bus to simplify timing:

The timing problem in the event sequencing problem will be discussed later...

Note that we need write signals for the MAR and the MDR registers

Note: all registers (MAR, MBR, A-buffer and B-buffer) has an associated write signal

Review: catagories of machine instructions

Catagory 1:

  Move:        mov, movw, movt
  Arithmetic:  add, sub, mul, cmp
  Branching:   b, bgt, bge, blt, blt, beq, bne    

Catagory 2:
  Load:        ldr  r1, [r2]
  Store:       str  r1, [r2]

I will now show you the pathways in the CPU used to transfer data in the execution of each of these types instructions

Pathway inside the CPU used to execute a computation-type instruction

The mov, add/sub/... and branch instructions uses this pathway:

Pathway inside the CPU used to execute a computation-type instruction

The mov, add/sub/... and branch instructions uses this pathway:

Pathway inside the CPU used to execute a computation-type instruction

The mov, add/sub/... and branch instructions uses this pathway:

The only difference is the branch instruction updates the Program Counter PC

Pathway inside the CPU used to execute a memory-typed instruction

A ldr instruction uses this pathway:

Pathway inside the CPU used to execute a memory-typed instruction

A str instruction uses this pathway: