Review: interconnecting CPU and the memory

In CS255, you learned how the CPU and memory is connected in this way:

CS255 has omitted some special purpose registers for simplicity !!

These special purpose registers are "buffers" used to store intermediate data to simplify the circuitry

Special register #1: MAR -- used to send addresses onto the address bus

The Memory Address Register (MAR) contains the address value sent on the address bus:

The MAR contains an address

The MAR's purpose is to transmit the address on the address bus (it must keep the address signals stable)

Special register #1: MAR -- used to send addresses onto the address bus

Example: when CPU executes ldr R1,[R0], the CPU first writes R0 into the MAR register:


Special register #1: MAR -- used to send addresses onto the address bus

Example: ... and then the MAR register sends its address onto the data bus (wires):


How to connect the MAR register to the address bus

The MAR register consists of N (32 to 35 or so) D-flipflops (depends of memory size):

The inputs of the D-flipflops are connected to the ALU output
The outputs of the D-flipflops are connected to the address bus

The (uni-directional) address bus will send the address value in the MAR to the memory (circuit).

Special register #2: MDR -- used to send/receive data on the data bus

The Memory Data Register (MDR) is used to buffer the data being send/receive on the data bus:

The MDR contains the data in transit (being transfered) between the CPU and the memory

Special register #2: MDR -- used to send/receive data on the data bus

Example: when CPU executes ldr R1,[R0], the memory will return the data at address R0

Suppose the databus has 32 bits: then 4 bytes starting at address 48 are transfered

Special register #2: MDR -- used to send/receive data on the data bus

Example: ... the memory data is first stored in the MDR register


Special register #2: MDR -- used to send/receive data on the data bus

Example: ... and then forwarded to the destination register R1


How to connect the MDR register to the data bus

The MDR register consists of N (32 or 64) D-flipflips:


The outputs of the D-flipflops must be connected through tri-state-buffers to prevent short-circuit (because the databus is bi-directional) !!

Next topic: how to connect a memory circuit to the system bus

Next, we will study how to connect a memory circuit to the system bus:

Important fact: the memory circuit must handle both read and write operations !!

Background info:   the CPU's actions in a read operation to the memory

The CPU sends (1) the address on the address bus and (2) a READ command on the control bus:

The READ command is expressed using the signals: EN (enable)=1 and R/W (Read/Write)=1

Note: In response, the memory sends back the requested data

Background info:   the CPU's actions in a write operation to the memory

The CPU sends (1) the address on the address bus, (2) the data on the data bus and (3) a WRITE command on the control bus:

The WRITE command is expressed using the signals: EN (enable)=1 and R/W (Read/Write)= 0

Note: In response, the memory stores the sent data

Background info:   the effect of the width of the databus on the computer memory

  • The effect of the data bus width (= N wires) on the memory:

      • If the data bus has N wires, then each transfer operation will transfer N bits (= N/8 bytes) of data

      • The memory will be divided into units of N/8 bytes

  • Example:

      • If the data bus has 32 wires, then each data transfer operation will read/write 32 bits (= 4 bytes) of data

        Then: (if the data bus has 32 wires)

          • The memory address used in a data transfer operation will always be a value that is divisible by 4 !!

            (Because data is transfered in increments of 4 bytes)

The effect of the width of the databus on the computer memory

Example: in order to read any data from memory 0, 1, 2, 3 , the CPU uses address 0:

This is the reason why programming languages impose the alignment requirement...

The effect of the width of the databus on the computer memory

Example: in order to read any data from memory 4, 5, 6, 7 , the CPU uses address 4 :

This is the reason why programming languages impose the alignment requirement...

The memory circuit (how to connect a memory circuit)

For now, take note of the locations of the address, data and control buses in this diagram:

Each row of the memory circuit contains the same number of Dffs as the number of wires on the data bus (= unit of transfer)

Connecting a memory circuit to execute the write operation

The CPU sends out the address, the data and a write command on the system bus:

Connecting a memory circuit to execute the write operation

We use a decoder to translate the address into a selection:

Connecting a memory circuit to execute the write operation

Connect N 1-bit-memory to receive the data for address=0000

Connecting a memory circuit to execute the write operation

Connect another N 1-bit-memory to receive the data for address=0001

Connecting a memory circuit to execute the write operation

We control to writing of a row of memory cells by a write signal:

Connecting a memory circuit to execute the write operation

Make the (simple) write control circuit:

Connecting a memory circuit to execute the write operation

Sample operation: if memory cell 0001 is selected, the data is stored in the 1st row of cells

Connecting a memory circuit to execute the read operation

Consider the memory circuit we have so far: (connected for the write operation)

What will the memory circuit do if the CPU sends out a READ command/operation ???

Connecting a memory circuit to execute the read operation

Notice that the circuit will not update any of the memory cells: (which is the correct behavior !)

The AND gate will output 0 which prevents the Decoder outputs from writing any memory cell

Connecting a memory circuit to execute the read operation

We use a decoder output as a filter control signal on the outputs of a row of memory cells:

The filtering is necessary because we will (later) use an OR gate to collate all the bits

Connecting a memory circuit to execute the read operation

Repeat the filtering connection for every row of memory cells:

Connecting a memory circuit to execute the read operation

Use an OR-gate to collate all the outputs   (all but 1 row will be non-ZERO !):

Connecting a memory circuit to execute the read operation

Connect the outputs to the data bus through tri-state-buffers:

Connecting a memory circuit to execute the read operation

We activate the tri-state-buffers when the CPU issues a READ operation:

Demo the memory circuit

DEMO: /home/cs355001/demo/circuits/memory-circuit

Comment: the reality is more complicated

  • The memory circuit that I showed is is accurate - i.e.: this memory circuit does work

  • The connection between the CPU and the memory is also accurate

  • However:

      • The way that the CPU and memory exchange data is much more complicated that how I have presented


      • The CPU operates much faster than the memory

  • To compensate the speed difference, the data transfer is performed using a bus "protocol" (to ensure correct operation)

Communication protocols

  • Communication protocol = a set of rules that allow two or more entities to transmit information reliably despite some variation of a physical quantity.

    My modified definition from Wikipedia: click here

  • The communication protocol between CPU and memory will be discussed later (quite soon)

    We call this communication protocol between the CPU and memory:

      • The bus protocol          

Postscript: static and dynamic memory

  • The memory design I showed you previously is a static memory:

      • The value stored in static memory will remain unchanged as long as there is electric power

      • Disadvantage: need a lot of transisters to construct

  • Computer RAM memory are based on dynamic memory circuits (DRAM):

      • The value stored in static memory will lost over time

        DRAM must be refreshed (re-writted) periodically !!

      • Advantage: a 1-bit DRAM memory cell consisting of (a capacitor and) one transistor !!