Example of independent stages: Finite State Machines (FSM)

  • A finite-state machine (FSM) or finite-state automaton is a mathematical model of computation.

  • A FSM has a finite number of states

    At at moment, the FSM is in one of these (finite) state

  • The FSM can transit (= move) from one state to another state in response to some inputs

The implementation of a FSM in digital circuit will require the use of D-flipflops (instead of D-latches)

Example of a FSM

The following FSM represents the computational model to recognize all strings of the form:   a(b*)c


Strings such as ac, abc, abbc, etc will cause the FSM to reach the terminal (= accept) state

(I think FSM was covered in CS244...)

Time-controlled transitions

  • Many machines has a time controlled state transition


      • Traffic lights
      • Christmas lights
      • Timed safe lock/unlock mechanism
      • A CPU !!!

    Yes, a CPU is a Finite State Machine whose state transitions are paced (= controlled) by a clock (= time)

In the next few slides, we will build a simple time-controlled FSM as an introduction on how a CPU operates...

FSM of a traffic (stop) light

I found this FSM diagram for a traffic light on the Web:


This FSM models the normal (operational) behavior of a stop light...

FSM of a traffic (stop) light - RE-DRAWN

I have re-drawn the FSM state transition diagram:                                                                                                                                                  


We will show the initial state (= stop light not ready) as blinking (flashing) stop lights...

FSM of a more complex traffic (stop) light

To make the FSM more like a computing machine, we will model a more complex traffic (stop) light that can detect errors:

The signal "E" is a self-diagnosis condition
E=0 means: no error detected

When no error (i.e.: E=0) the state transitions are as before.

FSM of a more complex traffic (stop) light

To make the FSM more like a computing machine, we will model a more complex traffic (stop) light that can detect errors:

The signal "E" is a self-diagnosis condition
E=1 means: an error has been detected

When in error (i.e.: E=1) the FSM will always go to the initial state.

Constructing a FSM with digital circuits

  • Unlike CS244 (which only teaches FSM theory), we will build a working FSM in CS355 😃 !!

  • The first step in building the FSM with digital circuits is to represent (= encode) the state in (binary) numbers:

      • Red = state 0 (00 binary)
      • Green = state 1 (01 binary)
      • Yellow = state 2 (10 binary)
      • Blinking = state 3 (11 binary)

    The choice of the numbering is arbitrary...

The FSM state transition diagram using the chosen representation code

The FSM's state transition diagram was:

The FSM state transition diagram using the chosen representation code

The FSM's state transition diagram using the assigned numbering is:

How to design a FSM using digital circuits

Facts to help you understand the design process:

  • The FSM is always in one of its (possible) states

    Therefore: a FSM need to remember its current state

  • We must use D-flip flops to remember the current state of the FSM

  • Question:

      • How many D-flip fops do we need to use to remember a state that is one of the following values:

            00   01   10   11     

How to design a FSM using digital circuits

Facts to help you understand the design process:

  • The FSM is always in one of its (possible) states

    Therefore: a FSM need to remember its current state

  • We must use D-flip flops to remember the current state of the FSM

  • Question:

      • How many D-flip fops do we need to use to remember a state that is one of the following values: Answer: 2 D-ffs (2 bits)

            00   01   10   11     

How to design a FSM using digital circuits

We start with the 2 D-flip flops used to remember the current state of the FSM:

The output of the flip flops are called Q1 and Q0 to tell them apart.

How to design a FSM using digital circuits

The D-flip flops are controlled (= written) by the same clock signal:

As you have learned: the input Di will be written to output Qi by the clock signal

How to design a FSM using digital circuits

The FSM will make a state transition in every clock period. Therefore:

The input D1D1 will be written to output Q1Q1 and therefore, the next state = D1D1

How to design a FSM using digital circuits

We must compute the correct values for D1 and D0:

The next state D1D0 depends on: (1) the current state and the (2) error condition !

How to design a FSM using digital circuits



How to design a FSM using digital circuits

Drawn out with connecting lines:

Remaining task:   design (and construct) the (computation) circuits C1 and C0

How to design a FSM using digital circuits

The FSM state transition diagram of the stop light:

  Error  Current state      Next state
    E       Q1    Q0     |   D1   D0
    0       0     0      |            
    0       0     1      |            
    0       1     0      |            
    0       1     1      |            
    1       0     0      |            
    1       0     1      |            
    1       1     0      |            
    1       1     1      |             

How to design a FSM using digital circuits

The FSM state transition diagram of the stop light:

  Error  Current state      Next state
    E       Q1    Q0     |   D1   D0
    0       0     0      |   0    1   (red → green)         
    0       0     1      |            
    0       1     0      |            
    0       1     1      |            
    1       0     0      |            
    1       0     1      |            
    1       1     0      |            
    1       1     1      |             

How to design a FSM using digital circuits

The FSM state transition diagram of the stop light:

  Error  Current state      Next state
    E       Q1    Q0     |   D1   D0
    0       0     0      |   0    1     
    0       0     1      |   1    0   (green → yellow)
    0       1     0      |            
    0       1     1      |            
    1       0     0      |            
    1       0     1      |            
    1       1     0      |            
    1       1     1      |             

How to design a FSM using digital circuits

The FSM state transition diagram of the stop light:

  Error  Current state      Next state
    E       Q1    Q0     |   D1   D0
    0       0     0      |   0    1     
    0       0     1      |   1    0
    0       1     0      |   0    0   (yellow → red)
    0       1     1      |            
    1       0     0      |            
    1       0     1      |            
    1       1     0      |            
    1       1     1      |             

How to design a FSM using digital circuits

The FSM state transition diagram of the stop light:

  Error  Current state      Next state
    E       Q1    Q0     |   D1   D0
    0       0     0      |   0    1     
    0       0     1      |   1    0
    0       1     0      |   0    0 
    0       1     1      |   0    0   (flashing (fixed) → red)
    1       0     0      |            
    1       0     1      |            
    1       1     0      |            
    1       1     1      |             

How to design a FSM using digital circuits

The FSM state transition diagram of the stop light:

  Error  Current state      Next state
    E       Q1    Q0     |   D1   D0
    0       0     0      |   0    1   
    0       0     1      |   1    0   
    0       1     0      |   0    0   
    0       1     1      |   0    0   
    1       0     0      |   1    1 (When error, goto state 11)
    1       0     1      |   1    1  
    1       1     0      |   1    1  
    1       1     1      |   1    1   

How to design a FSM using digital circuits

Designing the compute circuits C1 and C0:

  Error  Current state      Next state
    E       Q1    Q0     |   D1   D0
    0       0     0      |   0    1   
    0       0     1      |   1    0   
    0       1     0      |   0    0   
    0       1     1      |   0    0   
    1       0     0      |   1    1 (When error, goto state 11)
    1       0     1      |   1    1  
    1       1     0      |   1    1  
    1       1     1      |   1    1   

We can apply the combinatorial circuit design technique learned previously...

It easy to see that:
       D1 = E OR ((not Q1) AND Q0)
       D0 = E OR ((not Q1) AND (not Q0))

How to design a FSM using digital circuits

The FSM is therefore (incomplete, I left out the D0 circuit):

DEMO: /home/cs355001/demo/circuits/seq-circuit1

How to design a FSM using digital circuits

This version also probe the inputs of the D-fliplops:

DEMO "how the FSM works": /home/cs355001/demo/circuits/seq-circuit1-demo

Making a FSM control a stop light

We can make the FSM control a stop light with the following combinatorial circuit:

  Logic function computed by this circuit:

     Q1  Q0 | R  Y  G
     0   0  | 1  0  0  (Red)
     0   1  | 0  1  0  (Yellow)
     1   0  | 0  0  1  (Green)
     1   1  | 1  1  1  (Flashing) 

DEMO: /home/cs355001/demo/circuits/seq-circuit1-demo-plus-light

Viewing the stop-light FSM as staged processing

The following diagram shows an another way to draw the FSM circuit of stop-light


Viewing the stop-light FSM as staged processing

In the diagram, you can clearly see a computation stage followed by a memory stage:

A CPU is also a FSM, but will have more stages and more complex compute/forward circuits