Background information

  • A CPU is an electronic machine that process information in stages



Background information

  • The data is first processed by stage 1:

    Example: stage 1 selects the correct source registers


Background information

  • The processed data is then processed by stage 2:

    Example: stage 2 selects the add operation on source registers


Background information

  • Desired behavior:

      • Each stage operates independently from all other stages       



DEMO: /home/cs355001/demo/circuits/shift-register

A simple experiment using D-latches

The following simple circuit shows a problem with D-latches when we try to build a independent staged computation device with them:


In this circuit, each of the D-latch (= 1-bit-memory circuit) will copy the bit stored in the prior 1-bit-memory circuit into itself.

DEMO the behavior: /home/cs355001/demo/circuits/shift-reg-D-latch

A simple experiment using D-latches

  • What does a indepedent staged processing behavior look like ?

    DEMO the staged processing behavior:

  • Observed behavior with D-latches:

      • The data to copied throughout all the 1-bit-memory circuits

        I.e.: it is not indepedent staged processing behavior observed.

We will first study circuit timing and then build a accurate 1-bit-memory circuit

Background information

  • Clock signal:

      • Every circuit component inside a computer is control by a block electric wave form that look like this:

      • This signal that paces the operations performed by the computer is called a clock signal

  • The clock signal or a signal derived from the clock signal will be connected to the clock inputs of each memory components (e.g.: D-latch) in the computer.

Active period of a memory circuit

  • A memory circuit (such as a D-latch) is active when:

      • The output value of the memory circuit will change when the input value is changed

  • Q: what are the active periods in the clock signal for the D-latch circuit ?

Active periods for the D-latch circuit

  • The periods in a clock signal when a D-latch is active are when clock signal = 1: (DEMO: d-latch)

Inactive periods for the D-latch circuit


  • When write (clock) signal = 0, the input signals of the SR-latch are:

          S = 0
          R = 0         

    which cause the output to remain unchanged

Latches: level active (level triggered) memory devices

  • The D-latch that we have constructed:


    is active when the clock level = 1:


Latches: level active (level triggered) memory devices

  • There is also another version of D-latch:


    that is active when the clock level = 0:


  • Note: we will not use this version of D-latch in CS355

Latches: level active (level triggered) memory devices

  • Latches are memory devices that are active when the level of the write (clock) signal is leveled (i.e.: clock=0 or clock=1)

    Latches are (therefore) level active (level triggered) memory devices

  • The active period of latches are considered very long (when compared to time period of a rising/falling edge of the clock)

  • We will study a memory circuit that have very short active periods:


  • These are edge active (edge triggered) memory circuits

    (They are called flip flops)

The D-flip flop circuit

Consider the following circuit (it's called a D-flip flop):


What are the active periods of this circuit ?

Use the DEMO to find out: /home/cs355001/demo/circuits/d-flipflop-demo

The D-flip flop circuit

Let's eliminate the non-active periods:


The D-flip flop is not active during clock level = 0:

The D-flip flop circuit

Let's eliminate the non-active periods:


The D-flip flop is not active during clock level = 1:

The D-flip flop circuit

Notice that we can (= are able to) update the output = input (see demo):


So the D-flip flop must have an active period that is edged:

Flip flops: edge active (edge triggered) memory devices

  • Flip flops are memory devices that are active when the clock signal changes from 0 → 1 (rising edge) or from 1 → 0 (faling edge)

    Flip flops are (therefore) edge active (edge triggered) memory devices

  • The active period of flip flops are extremely short (nano seconds !)

  • The staged processing behavior can be achieved using D-flip flops !!!


DEMO: /home/cs355001/demo/circuits/shift-register

Accurate and inaccurate memory circuits

  • Flip flops are accurate memory circuits:

      • A D-flip flop will capture a input value during its very short active period

    During this very short active period, the input value can not change

    The value captured is very precise and unambiguous

  • Latches are slow memory circuits:

      • A D-latch will capture a input value during a long active period

    During this long interval of active period, the input value could have changed

    To ensure correct operation:

    • The input signal must remain unchanged for the entire duration of the active period

Fast and slow memory analogy: shutter speed of a camera

In photography, using a faster shutter speed will capture a more accurate scene/state:


Because a shorter exposure time does not allow much motion...

Introducing EDiSim's built-in D-flipflop component

  • EDiSim has a built-in D-flipflop component.


       Dff  coord  set  input  clk  reset  output ; 

    Note: the output value is initially set to UNKNOWN !!

  • In addition to the usual inputs: input and clock, the Dff component has 2 extra inputs:

      • set is used to initialize the output to = 1
      • reset is used to initialize the output to = 0     

  • When set=0 and reset=0, the Dff component will operate normally D-flipflop (as described in the lecture material)

Introducing EDiSim's built-in D-flipflop component - Examples

The D-flipflop components will initially have an UNKNOWN value for output:

The ORANGE color in the probe means: UNKNOWN value
DEMO: /home/cs355001/demo/circuits/sample-Dff

Introducing EDiSim's built-in D-flipflop component - Examples

You can initial the output = 0 with reset=1 (and set=0):

The LIGHT GREEN color in the probe means: value=0

Introducing EDiSim's built-in D-flipflop component - Examples

You can initial the output = 1 with set=1 (and reset=0):

The DARKER GREEN color in the probe means: value=1

Introducing EDiSim's built-in D-flipflop component - Examples

When set=0 and reset=0, the Dff component will operate as a D-flipflip:

The input value will be written to the output using the clock signal