Memory: +---------------+ head: | 8000 |-------------------------------+ +---------------+ | | | | ....... | ....... | +---------------+ | 8000 | data1 | Linked list element 1 <-----+ +---------------+ | next=10000 |-------------------------------------+ +---------------+ | | | | +---------------+ | ....... | ....... | +---------------+ | 9000 | data3 | Linked list element 3 <----+ | +---------------+ | | | next=0 (null) | | | +---------------+ | | ....... | | ....... | | +---------------+ | | 10000 | data2 | Linked list element 2 | <-----+ +---------------+ | | next=9000 |-----------------------------+ +---------------+ |
public class Node // Linked list element { int value; // 4 bytes Node next; // 4 bytes } |
You will need to adjust the offsets for different node structures
The underlying technique on how to traverse the list will remain unchange
The list list start at the location given by this variable:
Node head; |
int sum; Node ptr; sum = 0; ptr = head; while ( ptr != null ) { sum = sum + ptr.value; ptr =; } |
The flow chart of the above program is:
![]() |
In M68000 assembler code:
move.l #0, sum move.l head, ptr WhileStart: move.l ptr, d0 cmp.l #0, d0 beq WhileEnd movea.l ptr, a0 move.l 0(a0),d0 * d0 = ptr.value add.l d0,sum move.l 4(a0),ptr * ptr = bra WhileStart WhileEnd: |
max = head.value; ptr =; while ( ptr != null ) { if ( ptr.value > max ) max = ptr.value; ptr =; } |
The flow chart of the above program is:
![]() |
In M68000 assembler code:
movea.l head, a0 move.l 0(a0), max * max = head.value move.l 4(a0), ptr * ptr = WhileStart: move.l ptr, d0 cmp.l #0, d0 beq WhileEnd movea.l ptr, a0 move.l 0(a0),d0 * d0 = ptr.value cmp.l max, d0 * ptr.value - max ble IfEnd * If ( ptr.value - max <= 0 ) then branch move.l d0, max * max = ptr.value IfEnd: move.l 4(a0),ptr * ptr = bra WhileStart WhileEnd: |