(variables can be "created" and "destroyed" while the program is running)
More on lifetime much later...
See the following note on "creating" and "destroying" variables: click here
DataType variableName1, variableName2, ... ; Examples: int a, b, c; // 3 uninitialzied integer variables double x, y; // 2 uninitialzied double precision floats (NOTE: semi-colon is used to terminate a variable definition)
Uninitialized variables do not have a usable value when the variable is created (i.e., you need to initialize it before you can use its value)
DataType varName1=Value1, varName2=Value2, ... ; Examples: int a=5, b=9, c=7; // 3 initialzied integer variables double x=7.0, y; // 1 initialzied and 1 uninitialzied // double precision floats