The member functions are very similar to the ones in Java, so you should be familiar with them already
The member functions will be discussed later when we discuss classes
From now on, I will not used my coined phrase stand-alone function, but simply: function...
The function definition contain all the information on a function:
ReturnType MySubrName(type1 Var1, type1 Var2, ...) { *** LOCAL Variable definitions *** Subroutine Body (statements) } |
Basically, it is the same syntax as in Java, except the function definition is not contained in any class
double cube( double x ) { return( x * x * x ); } |
double r, x; x = 4; r = cube(x); |
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { double r, x; x = 4; r = cube(x); // Error: cube() undefined !!! } double cube( double x ) { return( x * x * x ); } |
To make the above program work (without re-arranging the order), we must declare the function cube() before it is used:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { double r, x; ****** Declare cube() x = 4; r = cube(x); // Error: cube() undefined !!! } double cube( double x ) { return( x * x * x ); } |
Examples: function declaration
[extern] double cube( double ) ; cube() has one parameter |
The use of extern in a function declaration is optional.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { double r, x; double cube(double); // ****** Declare cube() x = 4; r = cube(x); // Error: cube() undefined !!! } double cube( double x ) { return( x * x * x ); } |
It "looks nicer"...
File 1: cube.C | File 2: main.C |
double cube( double x ) { return( x * x * x ); } |
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { double r, x; double cube(double); // Declare x = 4; r = cube(x); } |