Spatial & Temporal dimensions of local & parameter variables

  1. The Spatial dimension of local & parameter variable scope:

    Example: two different variables x & y
          public class myClass
             public void myMethod1(int x)     
    	    BankAccount y;
             public void myMethod2(int x)
    	    BankAccount y;

  2. The Temporal deimension of local & parameter variable scope:

    Example: local & parameter variables created by different invocations
          public class myClass
             public void myMethod(int x)
    	 {  (this)
    	    BankAccount y;
          public class myProgram
             public static void main(String args[])
    	    myClass a;
    	    myClass b;
    	    (creates variables "this", "x" & "y")
    	    (creates a NEW set of variables "this", "x" & "y")

  3. Another example:

    public class TemporalDim
       public static void TestFunc(int NNN)
          if ( NNN == 3 )
          NNN = NNN + 1;
       public static void main(String argv[])
          int k = 0;

    What happens when this program is run:

  4. DEMO program: Click here