How to build a DLL in MASM32

Short History

A long time ago in the days of early 16 bit Windows the available computer hardware required to run it was a 286 with 1 meg of memory. This was a very ambitious task for such a humble device yet the code design was so efficient that it could run a graphics user interface in as little as 1 meg of memory.

A 286 only allowed what was called "task switching" which was effectively only running one program at a time but from the 386 onwards, the software simulated multitasking so that more than 1 program could run at a time. To get such an interface to run on such limited hardware, the operating system had to conserve memory and also find alternatives so that the machine could run.

Virtual memory was disk space that was counted as memory so that non running programs could be swapped out to disk while others continued to run in the actual memory available but another method was also used that made it possible to run programs that were far bigger than the available memory in the computer, this was the Dynamic Link Library.

In comparison a DOS program was a monolith, it was usually loaded complete into memory and was therefore limited to the available memory that was available in DOS which was 640k minus all of the loaded device drivers that DOS used. There were a few attempts to solve this problem in DOS by using what was called "overlays" and a language like Quick Basic used a runtime EXE file if the EXE was compiled with that option but generally they did not have the power or flexibility that early 16 bit Windows had.

A Dynamic Link Library was very similar to an executable file with one exception, it did not have a starting point like a normal executable file because it was designed to perform a different function. An executable file must have a start so that it can be loaded by the operating system and run in the normal manner.

A DLL is executable code that is loaded into memory on demand and different parts of the executable code can be called and run by the calling program. A DLL can also be called by more than one program at a time which is primarily how the large operating system DLLs work. This made it possible for many programs to use the same code from the operating system insteads of having to duplicate it every time a program ran. It also allowed programmers to standardise the interface of programs so that users did not have to learn a new interface every time they started a new program.

In modern versions of Windows a DLL can still be loaded in a couple of ways, it can be loaded when the program starts and remain in memory as long as the program that loads it runs or it can be loaded on demand, used then unloaded when it is finished.

How do you write a DLL ?

The form of a DLL is determined by the operating system and there are a number of considerations when laying out the basic DLL code.

The code entry point must conform to a particular specification which is 3 DWORD parameters passed in the normal manner on the stack and for the DLL to continue loading once this address has received the parameters, it must return TRUE in the EAX register.

At the bare minimum you would write a starting procedure like follows,

LibMain proc parameter1:DWORD, parameter2:DWORD, parameter3:DWORD

    mov eax, TRUE

LibMain endp

If the starting procedure is not in the form shown, you will usually get the following warning/error from the linker.

warning LNK4086:
entrypoint "_XXXXX" is not __stdcall with 12 bytes of arguments; image may not run

The _XXXXX is the name of the first procedure or first label in the code.

The LibMain is in fact a lot more useful than this, it can be used to initialise data at startup and it can be used to do cleanups at shutdown because of the information that is passed to it at startup. In the DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH constant in the following .IF block, you can set global values like the instance handle, start a memory mapped file if you need to share data in that manner, allocate memory for later tasks while the DLL is running or anything that you need to have set up at startup.

A fuller LibMain looks like the following,

; «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««

LibMain proc hInstDLL:DWORD, reason:DWORD, unused:DWORD

    .if reason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH
      mov eax, TRUE

    .elseif reason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH
      ; ---------------------------------------
      ; perform any exit code you require here
      ; ---------------------------------------

    .elseif reason == DLL_THREAD_ATTACH

    .elseif reason == DLL_THREAD_DETACH



LibMain endp

; «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««

When the DLL is shut down you can process the DLL_PROCESS_DETACH member of the .IF block to deallocate memory or flush files to disk or any other task where you need to clean up after the program has finished.

The first parameter "hInstDLL" passed to the LibMain is the Instance handle of the DLL which is the actual starting address of the DLL in memory and this is useful among other things if the DLL is going to have resources as the DLL instance handle is necessary to access the resources.

The second parameter "reason" determines how the DLL is being called and whether it is the startup call or the shutdown call. This is how you can organise to initialise data at startup and do the cleanup at shutdown.

After the LibMain is where you write the procedures that you need to have in the DLL but importantly, after all of the procedures you must terminate all of the code with a directive si that MASM know where the end of the source file is.

Terminating the code

While a normal EXE file has a label to tell it where to start, A DLL must be written with a procedure at the start so if the procedure name is,


You must terminate the code with,

end LibMain

Exporting procedures from the DLL

Procedures are no different to normal code in MASM but the programmer has the choice of what can be accessed in the DLL and what is an internal procedure. This is more or less the normal organisation of any program and the programmer has control of what is visible and what is not.

This is done with the DEFINITION file that is used by the linker to determine what procedure are exported. The syntax for a definition file is very simple, you must tell the linker what the internal name of the DLL will be then you must tell the linker what the name of each exported procedure will be.

This is the content of the definition file for the example that accompanies this tutorial.

LIBRARY dlltute

When the library is built and subsequently read and displayed by a program like DumpPE, you get this information,

 Exp Addr Hint   Ord Export Name by dlltute.dll - Thu Jun  5 00:00:34 2003
 -------- ---- ----- ---------------------------------------------------------
 00001080    0     1 MessageBoxCC
 000010D8    1     2 MessageBoxFC
 00001026    2     3 MessageBoxSTD

This is the interface within the DLL that allows the calling program to call the exported procedures within the DLL.

How do you build a DLL ?

Assembling the DLL code is identical to a normal EXE file and it is done as normal with the following line.

\masm32\bin\ml /c /coff dlltute.asm

The option "/c" means only assemble the file into an object module. The "/coff" for version 6.14 of ML.EXE means build the object module as a "coff" type module, not the older OMF format.

Linking a DLL is different to building an EXE file.

\masm32\bin\Link /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /DLL /DEF:dlltute.def dlltute.obj

The linker options are as follows, the option "/DLL" tells the linker to place the correct startup code for a DLL at the beginning of the DLL, the line "/DEF:dlltute.def" tells the linker where to find the list of exported procedures and the internal name of the Dynamic Link Library.

If you are using resources in the DLL, you can either add the compiled resources in the RES file as the last item on the link line or you can convert the RES file directly to an object file with the utility CVTRES.EXE and add the resource object file to the end of the link line.

Using the DLL from the calling program

With the two methods that can be used, the choice is based on what is the most efficient for the application. If the code is to be used for short duration it is worth dynamically loading it by using the 3 API functions LoadLibrary(), GetProcAddress() and FreeLibrary(). This allows you to keep your memory usage down and while this may not matter with small applications, if you are writing very large DLLs, the combined memory usage of more than one DLL at a time can restrict the final functionality of the program if memory become low because of the number of DLLs loaded.

If the application needs the functionality of the DLL for its full running time, the DLL should be loaded when the program starts. The linker when it builds a DLL also builds an EXPORT library that is designed to be linked into both MASM and Microsoft C/C++ programs so that the DLL can be used at startup. What you would normally do is write a prototype for each exported procedure in your DLL and put them in an include file so that when you want to use the DLL in your program, all you need to do is include the prototypes and the library and have the DLL where your program can find it.

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