L2EXTIA.EXE This is an alternative method of creating include files that can be used with MASM32. It produces include files in the EXTERNDEF format for system DLL imports. This method allows direct calls to imported functions rather that the lookup table that is the native format for MASM 32 bit EXE files. L2EXTIA.EXE will only work on library files that have "decorated names". It will not work on C functions, COM or any other variation of library file. The include files depend on a macro that has been placed in the WINDOWS.INC file to expand parameters so the WINDOWS.INC file must be placed before any include file that is created this way. The format has been tested and it works correctly but it may not be compatible with the source code or libraries in MAMS32. The utility has been provided for programmers who wish to write code using this technique. MASM32 assumes the standard format and is written in this manner. The file "argcount.asm" contains the macro that is used by the include file created with L2EXTIA.EXE in the event that the include files are used with a version of WINDOWS.INC that does not have the macro.