A long time ago in a long vanished world the old masters did battle for the minds and the markets of their time with weapons that reflected the power and clarity that was needed to pioneer new ideas and clever things. Hardened in the crucible of commerce, the warriors of old built their own weaponry to maintain the edge required to compete in a hard and uncompromising marketplace.
While many of them have gone their own way in many different fields, some of these ancient warriors have waivered for a while to step out of their own time and place to pass on the skills they crafted of old to a new and younger generation so that they would be armed with the weapons necessary to carry on the tradition of originality and lack of compromise that is needed to create software of excellence.
MASM32 has had the hands of many ancient and some not so ancient warriors work on it and while the armour may be a little rusty, the sword is sharp and the eye is clear and it has been to ensure that the power of a different age is passed on to a generation that will do greater things and write better software that has the vigour of youth and the precision of the old masters behind it.
When you download and install MASM32, the ancient warriors will be looking over your shoulder with an eye that is as sharp as steel and it will not miss the underlying landscape that is often obscured by the fads and fashions of the moment. Do not fail the ancient warriors as their displeasure will be felt if you fail to fulfil the work that has been passed down from their own life and time.
Across space, time and distance these ancient warriors have put their hands to the tools that you now have in your hands. Do not accept the way things are but innovate, create new and different ideas, master the difficult details of operating systems, algorithm design and assembler instructions and produce software that is the work of craftsmen, not the toys of children or the gimmicks of the moment.
Often the ancients wander through the corridors of the internet looking for the weapons of other old masters and they will not miss the work of a fellow craftsman but they will also see if those who followed them have not fulfilled their destiny and you will know their disapproval if your work is below the standard they expect.
Be as uncompromising in your pursuit of excellence as the ancients were before you, know that the wide and easy path leads to the scrapheap and only by your clear comprehension, hard work and persistence will you master the ancient arts that the old masters grew up with and moulded to their own image.
The respect of the ancient warriors is not easily won but if you master the ancient arts and produce software that has the hallmark of excellence, you will have earned their respect as you become one of them.