: Quick Editor setting ; ; The following commands may be useful to ; you in working with COM projects ; Build &DLL,\MASM32\COM\BIN\BLDDLL.bat {b} Build &OCX,\MASM32\COM\BIN\BLDOCX.bat {b} {n} ; BLDDLL.BAT and BLDOCX.BAT will build a .dll or an .ocx respectivly. ; If you do LOTS of COM, you will want a section just for it [&COM Tools] New GUID,GUIDGen.dll Convert GUID,AsmGUID.DLL - OLEVIEW,\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\Tools\OLEVIEW.EXE GUID Generator,\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\Tools\GUIDGEN.EXE - C&ompile MIDL file,\MASM32\BIN\MIDL.BAT {n} - Register DLL,\MASM32\BIN\regsvr32.exe {n}.DLL Unregister DLL,\MASM32\BIN\regsvr32.exe /u {n}.DLL - Register OCX,\MASM32\BIN\regsvr32.exe {n}.ocx Unregister OCX,\MASM32\BIN\regsvr32.exe /u {n}.ocx ; it's very useful to be able to get to your copy of MSDN ; directly from Quick Editor ;[help] MSDN, \WINDOWS\HH.EXE\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\MSDN98\98VS\1033\msdnvs98.col ; your path is probably different. Copy it from any shortcut icon properties page.