- The programmer (= you)
use an editor and
write the program in
a high level programming language
(e.g.: C or
- The programmer types the
program using a key board
- The key board sends
ASCII codes to the
- The editor (program) stores
the program
encoded using ASCII code
in a program source file
(e.g.: main.c or main.java)
- The C program source file
(encoded in ASCII code is
first translated by
the C compiler to
an equivalent program in
assembler instruction
- In this course we will
study how to
translate a
C statements into
assembler instructions
- The assembler program is
also encoded using the
ASCII code
(so it's still a text file)
- Run: gcc -S main.c
- The C compiler will
output the
assembler program main.s:
.file "main.c"
.comm x,4,4
.globl main
.type main, @function
pushq %rbp
.cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
.cfi_offset 6, -16
movq %rsp, %rbp
.cfi_def_cfa_register 6
movl $5, x(%rip)
.cfi_def_cfa 7, 8
.size main, .-main
.ident "GCC: (GNU) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-11)"
.section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
- Here is the proof that
the assembler program is
encoded using ASCII code:
(od -b main.s)
0000000 011 056 146 151 154 145 011 042 155 141 151 156 056 143 042 012
0000020 011 056 143 157 155 155 011 170 054 064 054 064 012 011 056 164
0000040 145 170 164 012 056 147 154 157 142 154 040 155 141 151 156 012
.... (many lines deleted)
0000260 146 151 137 144 145 146 137 143 146 141 137 162 145 147 151 163
0000300 164 145 162 040 066 012 011 155 157 166 154 011 044 065 054 040
0000320 170 050 045 162 151 160 051 012 011 154 145 141 166 145 012 011
.... (many lines deleted)
0000540 011 056 156 157 164 145 056 107 116 125 055 163 164 141 143 153
0000560 054 042 042 054 100 160 162 157 147 142 151 164 163 012
146(8) = 01100110(2) is the ASCII code for the symbol f
065(8) = 00110101(2) is the ASCII code for the symbol 5
- The Assembler program
(encoded in ASCII code) is then
translated by
the Assembler into
machine instruction
- Machine instructions are
binary codes used to
tell the
computer what to do
- Operations are
encoded using
machine instruction code
(which is machine specific)
--- see:
click here
000000 = add byte operands (0000 means: add)
000001 = add short operands
000010 = add int operands
000100 = subtract byte operands (0001 means: subtract)
000101 = subtract short operands
000110 = subtract int operands
And so on...
- Signed numeric values used in
machine instructions are
encoded using 2's complement code
signed value -2 is encoded as: 11111111 11111110 (2's complement)
(The number of bits used to encode a signed value can be: 8, 16, 32, 64)
- Compile using
this command:
The assembler will output
the file main.o containing
binary unprintable (non-ASCII) codes:
cat main.o (and see the jibberish)
- The machine instruction code for
movl $5, x(%rip)
objdump --disassemble main.o
4: c7 05 00 00 00 00 05 movl $0x5,0x0(%rip)
So the machine code for movl $5,x(%rip) in bits is:
011000111 00000101 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000101
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
encodes "movl" encodes 5 in 2's complement
You can find the proof of
that the machine instructions are
stored in
binary format using this command:
Look for the line:
0000100 125 110 211 345 307 005 000 000 000 000 005 000 000 000 311 303
The highlighted section is the
above machine instruction
(written in Octal)
Notice that: