/* ======================================================== Insert at head technique: 1. create new list element p put values in the payload area... 2. make p point to first element in list 3. make head point to new list element ======================================================== */ p = malloc( sizeof(struct ListElem) ); // (1) p->value = 123; // Payload... p->next = head; // (2) head = p; // (3) |
We just need to put these statements into a function
struct ListElem* insertHead(struct ListElem* head, struct ListElem* elem) { elem->next = head; // make "elem" point to "head" return(elem); // return address of new head } |
How to run the program:
List delete ( List head ) { return( head.next ); // Make the second element the new head } |
free( pointerVariable ) ; |
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct BankAccount* p; p = malloc( sizeof(struct BankAccount) ); // (1) (*p).accNum = 123; // Long form to access a member variable p->balance= 400; // Short form to access a member variable printf("p->accNum = %d p->balance = %f\n", p->accNum, p->balance); /* ================================================== Unreserve memory that was allocated at step (1) ================================================== */ free(p); } |
struct ListElem* deleteHead ( struct ListElem* h ) { struct ListElem* deleted; struct ListElem* newHead; if ( h == NULL ) return(NULL); // Nothing to delete.... deleted = h; // Save the location of the deleted element newHead = h->next; // We will return this value free(deleted); // Un-reserve memory cells return( newHead ); // Make the second element the new head } |
How to run the program:
I don't want to waste time teaching you deleting from linked list again....
You just apply what you have learned in CS170 to delete the list element; but make sure you save the address (reference) of the deleted element
Then use the free( deleted_element ); statement to un-reserve the memory cells used before the function return.