Review:   deleting the element at the head of a linked list

  • Delete the list element at the head (= start) of the linked list at h and return the new list


  • Output:

Review:   delete at head algorithm in Java

  • In CS171, you learned the following delete at head algorithm in Java:

    class List // Class  definition included to use 1 program file
       int value;
       List next;
    public class insert
       public static List delete (List h)
          if (h != null)
             return;  // Return new list that starts at 2nd elem
             return null;
       ... // Other code omitted for brevity

To write a C function, you need to express the algorithm (a concept !) with C syntax

Review:   delete at head algorithm in Java

  • The class definition becomes a struct definition in C:

    struct List // Struct definition included to use 1 program file
       int value;
       struct List *next;  // Reference variable
    public class insert
       public static List delete (List h)
          if (h != null)
             return;  // Return new list that starts at 2nd elem
             return null;
       ... // Other code omitted for brevity

Next:   public class ....

Review:   delete at head algorithm in Java

  • There is no class construct in C:

    struct List // Struct definition included to use 1 program file
       int value;
       struct List *next;  // Reference variable
    public static List delete (List h)
        if (h != null)
            return; // Return new list that starts at 2nd elem
            return null;
    ... // Other code omitted for brevity

Next:   the parameters and return value

Review:   delete at head algorithm in Java

  • The data type of the parameters and return value are both: struct List *

    struct List // Struct definition included to use 1 program file
       int value;
       struct List *next;  // Reference variable
    struct List *delete (struct List *h)
        if (h != null)
            return; // Return new list that starts at 2nd elem
            return null;
    ... // Other code omitted for brevity

Next:   the expression

Review:   delete at head algorithm in Java

  • The Java expression expressed in C is (*h).next or h->next:

    struct List // Struct definition included to use 1 program file
       int value;
       struct List *next;  // Reference variable
    struct List *delete (struct List *h)
        if (h != null)
            return h->next; // Return new list that starts at 2nd elem
            return null;
    ... // Other code omitted for brevity

Next:   the expression null

Review:   delete at head algorithm in Java

  • C uses NULL for the null value in Java:

    struct List // Struct definition included to use 1 program file
       int value;
       struct List *next;  // Reference variable
    struct List *delete (struct List *h)
        if (h != NULL)
            return h->next; // Return new list that starts at 2nd elem
            return NULL;
    ... // Other code omitted for brevity

Done.... wait.... done ?

The delete at head program in Java

class List  // Class included to make 1 program file
   int value;
   List next;

public class delete 
   /* ====================================================
      delete(h): delete the first elem from the list h
                 return new list
      ==================================================== */
   public static List delete (List h)
      if ( h != null )
         return (; // Return new list that starts at
         return null;

   public static void main(String[] args)
      List head = null;

      // Insert 10 elements
      for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
         List e = new List();
         e.value = i;
         head = insert(head, e);       // Insert i at head

      // Delete 10 elements
      for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
         head = delete(head);          // Delete at head

   public static List insert (List h, List e)
   { = h;
      return e;         // Return new list that starts at e

   // Print the list
   public static void print(List h)
      while (h != null)
         System.out.printf("%d ", h.value);
         h =;

DEMO: demo/C/Linked-list/

The delete at head program in C

I will "convert" the program in class as a demo

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

struct List
   int          value;
   struct List *next;

void print(struct List *h);     // Declaration
struct List *insert (struct List *h, struct List *e);

/* ====================================================
   delete(h): delete the first elem from the list h
              return new list
   ==================================================== */
struct List *delete (struct List *h)
   if ( h != NULL)
      return h->next; 
      return NULL;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  struct List *head = NULL;

   // Insert
   for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
       struct List *e = malloc( sizeof(struct List) ) ;
       e->value = i;
       head = insert(head, e);       // Insert i at head

   // Delete
   for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
       head = delete(head);          // Delete at head

// Insert at head
struct List *insert (struct List *h, struct List *e)
    e->next = h;
    return e;     // Return new list that starts at e

// Print the list
void print(struct List *h)
   while (h != NULL)
      printf("%d ", h->value);
      h = h->next;

The out-of-memory error when you generate too much garbage

Now run this modified program using (ulimit -v 50000; a.out > err)

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   struct List *head = NULL;
   int c = 0;

   while(1)  // Infinite loop...
      printf("%d\n", ++c);  // Keep a count

      // Insert
      for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
          struct List *e = malloc( sizeof(struct List) ) ;
          e->value = i;
          head = insert(head, e);       // Insert i at head

      // Delete
      for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
          head = delete(head);          // Delete at head

DEMO: demo/C/Linked-list/delete2.c

The problem with the delete( ) function

  • When you delete a list element from a list:

  • The deleted element becomes inaccessible (a.k.a.: garbage):

  • In Java, a garbage collection mechanism will reclaim the innaccessible memory

  • In C, too much garbage will cause a out-of-(free)-memory error !

The correct way to delete a list element in C

  • The original delete( ) function is:

    struct List *delete (struct List *h)
        if (h != NULL)
            // Delete the element at h
            return h->next; 
            return NULL;

  • The element at h needs to be de-allocated ("unreserved")

The correct way to delete a list element in C

  • We must de-allocate the head list element with free(h):

    struct List *delete (struct List *h)
        if (h != NULL)
            // Delete the element at h
            free(h);   // De-allocate the deleted element
            return h->next; 
            return NULL;

  • However:   free(h) may affect the variable h->next (= the return value !)

The correct way to delete a list element in C

  • We save the return value first:

    struct List *delete (struct List *h)
        if (h != NULL)
            // Delete the element at h
    	struct List *retVal = h->next;
            free(h);   // De-allocate the deleted element
            return retVal; 
            return NULL;

  • This version of delete() will not generate garbage !

DEMO: demo/C/Linked-list/delete3.c