Data types and their coding methods

  • Review:   the primitive data types and their coding methods

  • Programming rule:

    • Values of a data type must be stored using its encoding method


    • int typed variables must store their value in 2s complement code
    • float typed variable will must store their value in IEEE 754 code
    • And so on...

Assigning values to a variable

  • Programming rule:

    • Values of a data type must be stored using its encoding method

  • Consequence of the programming rule:

      • If you store a value of different a data type into a variable:

        • The compiler will convert the value into data type of the target variable before storing it in the variable


      float x;
      x = 3; // 3 (2s compl code) will first be converted to 3.0 (IEE 754)
             // Then 3.0 (IEEE 754) is assigned to x

Different behavior in the assignment operation in C

  • Java does not allow assignment of a wider typed value to a narrower typed variable (due to lost of data)


        short  x;
        int    y;
        x = y ;       // Java disallow assignment of
                      // a double value  to an int variable     
    		  // without casting   

  • Java requires a casting (conversion) operation:

        x = (short) y ;    

DEMO: demo/C/set1/ (seen it before)

Different behavior in the assignment operation in C

  • C in contrast does allow assignment of a wider typed value to a narrower typed variable


    int main(int argc, char* argv[] )
        short x;
        int   y;
        x = 99; y = 65536 + 4;              // Initialize
        y = x;  // short --> int   is safe
        printf("short x = %d, int y = %d\n", x, y);
        x = 99; y = 65536 + 4;              // Initialize
        x = y; // int   --> short is UNSAFE --- C permits it !!!
        printf("short x = %d, int y = %d\n", x, y);

DEMO: demo/C/set1/c-casting.c (seen it before)

Make the C compiler print out warning messages on dangerous casting operations


  • The C compiler option -Wconversion will print out warning messages when an assignment uses a wider data tye:

       gcc -Wconversion casting01a.c

    (-W stands for warning)

(Seen it before)