Why C and Java have many language constructs in common

Java is a "descendent language" of C:

  • 1972: Dennis Ritchie developed C at Bell Labs to write the UNIX operating system

  • 1979: Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs added object oriented features to C and called the new language C++. ( click here )

    C++ gradually expands with (too) many features...

  • 1995: James Gosling at Sun Microsystem designed a stripped down and safer version of a C++ based object oriented language called Java ( click here )

Language constructs that are identical in C and Java

Signed number data types

   byte (Java) / char (C)


Note: C also has unsigned integer data types

Language constructs that are identical in C and Java

Syntax to define variables:

   char  a;      // char data type in C is equivalent to byte in Java
   short b = 4;  // Initialization has the same syntax
   int   c;
   float  x;
   double y;

Language constructs that are identical in C and Java

The arithmetic operators:

   +   -   *   /   %  

The assignment operators:

   =   +=   -=   *=   /=   %=  

The pre/post increment/decrement operators:

   ++x      --x 
   x++      x-- 

Language constructs that are identical in C and Java

The comparison operators:

    <   <=   >   >=   ==   !=    

The logical operators:

    &&      ||        !   

Language constructs that are identical in C and Java

All the statements:

   Assignment statement:

            x = (a + b) * (c + d % e);

   Conditional statement:

            if ( a > b )
               max = a;
               max = b;

   Switch statement:

            switch ( x )
	       case 1: y = 1; break;
	       case 2: y = 2; break;
	       default: y = 3; break;

Language constructs that are identical in C and Java

All the statements: (continued)

   Loop  statement:

            while ( x < 10 )

	    for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
	       sum += i;

	       x = x + 1;
	    } while (x < 10)

   Loop control statements:
