Print this webpage out, write you name on the page and write the answer in the box for each question.
Or you can use this Wikipedia page
The Morse code is a signalling code designed to transmit English text by raido pulses (beeps).
We denote a short pulse as • (dot) and a long pulse as - (dash)
Decode this message in Morse code:
•••• • •-•• •-•• --- Message: |
The ASCII code is a binary code to represent the English characters
Decode this message in ASCII code:
01000110 01101001 01110011 01101000 Message: |
01000001 Corresponding decimal number: |
What is the decimal number that corresponds to this binary number ?
01000001 Character represented by ASCII code: |
What is the character that is represented by this binary number ?
I is |
Complete the sentence inside the box. It must be a correct English sentence !
This is a partial content of the computer memory:
Suppose the instruction instrX updates a general purpose register R0 to 4000.
In this case, which is the next instruction that will be fetched from memory after the CPU finished executing instrX ?
The answer is a binary number !
In this case, which is the next instruction that will be fetched from memory after the CPU finished executing instrX ?
The answer is a binary number !
/home/cs255001/req-ext hw1 // If you're in section 1 or /home/cs255002/req-ext hw1 // If you're in section 2 |
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