Print this webpage out, write you name on the page and write the answer in the box for each question.
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The Morse code is a signalling code designed to transmit English text by raido pulses (beeps).
We denote a short pulse as • (dot) and a long pulse as - (dash)
Decode this message in Morse code:
•••• • •-•• •-•• --- Message: |
The ASCII code is a binary code to represent the English characters
Decode this message in ASCII code:
01000110 01101001 01110011 01101000 Message: |
01000001 Corresponding decimal number: |
What is the decimal number that corresponds to this binary number ?
01000001 Character represented by ASCII code: |
What is the character that is represented by this binary number ?
I is |
Complete the sentence inside the box. It must be a correct English sentence !
This is a partial content of the computer memory:
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Suppose the instruction instrX updates a general purpose register R0 to 4000.
In this case, which is the next instruction that will be fetched from memory after the CPU finished executing instrX ?
The answer is a binary number !
In this case, which is the next instruction that will be fetched from memory after the CPU finished executing instrX ?
The answer is a binary number !
/home/cs255001/req-ext hw1 // If you're in section 1 or /home/cs255002/req-ext hw1 // If you're in section 2 |
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