#include #if defined INTEGERTIME || defined CLOCKTIME || defined PosixTime # include #elif defined EnhTime # include #else # include #endif #include #include #ifdef WIN32 # include /* Used in file search functions */ #endif #include #include #include #include #include "commonlib.h" #ifdef FORTIFY # include "lp_fortify.h" #endif #if defined FPUexception /* FPU exception masks */ unsigned int clearFPU() { return( _clearfp() ); } unsigned int resetFPU(unsigned int mask) { _clearfp(); mask = _controlfp( mask, 0xfffff); return( mask ); } unsigned int catchFPU(unsigned int mask) { /* Always call _clearfp before enabling/unmasking a FPU exception */ unsigned int u = _clearfp(); /* Set the new mask by not-and'ing it with the previous settings */ u = _controlfp(0, 0); mask = u & ~mask; mask = _controlfp(mask, _MCW_EM); /* Return the previous mask */ return( u ); } #endif /* Math operator equivalence function */ int intpow(int base, int exponent) { int result = 1; while(exponent > 0) { result *= base; exponent--; } while(exponent < 0) { result /= base; exponent++; } return( result ); } int mod(int n, int d) { return(n % d); } /* Some string functions */ void strtoup(char *s) { if(s != NULL) while (*s) { *s = toupper(*s); s++; } } void strtolo(char *s) { if(s != NULL) while (*s) { *s = tolower(*s); s++; } } void strcpyup(char *t, char *s) { if((s != NULL) && (t != NULL)) { while (*s) { *t = toupper(*s); t++; s++; } *t = '\0'; } } void strcpylo(char *t, char *s) { if((s != NULL) && (t != NULL)) { while (*s) { *t = tolower(*s); t++; s++; } *t = '\0'; } } /* Unix library naming utility function */ MYBOOL so_stdname(char *stdname, char *descname, int buflen) { char *ptr; if((descname == NULL) || (stdname == NULL) || (((int) strlen(descname)) >= buflen - 6)) return( FALSE ); strcpy(stdname, descname); if((ptr = strrchr(descname, '/')) == NULL) ptr = descname; else ptr++; stdname[(int) (ptr - descname)] = 0; if(strncmp(ptr, "lib", 3)) strcat(stdname, "lib"); strcat(stdname, ptr); if(strcmp(stdname + strlen(stdname) - 3, ".so")) strcat(stdname, ".so"); return( TRUE ); } /* Return the greatest common divisor of a and b, or -1 if it is not defined. Return through the pointer arguments the integers such that gcd(a,b) = c*a + b*d. */ int gcd(LLONG a, LLONG b, int *c, int *d) { LLONG q,r,t; int cret,dret,C,D,rval, sgn_a = 1,sgn_b = 1, swap = 0; if((a == 0) || (b == 0)) return( -1 ); /* Use local multiplier instances, if necessary */ if(c == NULL) c = &cret; if(d == NULL) d = &dret; /* Normalize so that 0 < a <= b */ if(a < 0){ a = -a; sgn_a = -1; } if(b < 0){ b = -b; sgn_b = -1; } if(b < a){ t = b; b = a; a = t; swap = 1; } /* Now a <= b and both >= 1. */ q = b/a; r = b - a*q; if(r == 0) { if(swap){ *d = 1; *c = 0; } else { *c = 1; *d = 0; } *c = sgn_a*(*c); *d = sgn_b*(*d); return( (int) a ); } rval = gcd(a,r,&C,&D); if(swap){ *d = (int) (C-D*q); *c = D; } else { *d = D; *c = (int) (C-D*q); } *c = sgn_a*(*c); *d = sgn_b*(*d); return( rval ); } /* Array search functions */ int findIndex(int target, int *attributes, int count, int offset) { int focusPos, beginPos, endPos; int focusAttrib, beginAttrib, endAttrib; /* Set starting and ending index offsets */ beginPos = offset; endPos = beginPos + count - 1; if(endPos < beginPos) return(-1); /* Do binary search logic based on a sorted (decending) attribute vector */ focusPos = (beginPos + endPos) / 2; beginAttrib = attributes[beginPos]; focusAttrib = attributes[focusPos]; endAttrib = attributes[endPos]; while(endPos - beginPos > LINEARSEARCH) { if(beginAttrib == target) { focusAttrib = beginAttrib; endPos = beginPos; } else if(endAttrib == target) { focusAttrib = endAttrib; beginPos = endPos; } else if(focusAttrib < target) { beginPos = focusPos + 1; beginAttrib = attributes[beginPos]; focusPos = (beginPos + endPos) / 2; focusAttrib = attributes[focusPos]; } else if(focusAttrib > target) { endPos = focusPos - 1; endAttrib = attributes[endPos]; focusPos = (beginPos + endPos) / 2; focusAttrib = attributes[focusPos]; } else { beginPos = focusPos; endPos = focusPos; } } /* Do linear (unsorted) search logic */ if(endPos - beginPos <= LINEARSEARCH) { /* CPU intensive loop; provide alternative evaluation models */ #if defined DOFASTMATH /* Do fast pointer arithmetic */ int *attptr = attributes + beginPos; while((beginPos < endPos) && ((*attptr) < target)) { beginPos++; attptr++; } focusAttrib = (*attptr); #else /* Do traditional indexed access */ focusAttrib = attributes[beginPos]; while((beginPos < endPos) && (focusAttrib < target)) { beginPos++; focusAttrib = attributes[beginPos]; } #endif } /* Return the index if a match was found, or signal failure with a -1 */ if(focusAttrib == target) /* Found; return retrieval index */ return(beginPos); else if(focusAttrib > target) /* Not found; last item */ return(-beginPos); else if(beginPos > offset+count-1) return(-(endPos+1)); /* Not found; end of list */ else return(-(beginPos+1)); /* Not found; intermediate point */ } int findIndexEx(void *target, void *attributes, int count, int offset, int recsize, findCompare_func findCompare, MYBOOL ascending) { int focusPos, beginPos, endPos, compare, order; void *focusAttrib, *beginAttrib, *endAttrib; /* Set starting and ending index offsets */ beginPos = offset; endPos = beginPos + count - 1; if(endPos < beginPos) return(-1); order = (ascending ? -1 : 1); /* Do binary search logic based on a sorted attribute vector */ focusPos = (beginPos + endPos) / 2; beginAttrib = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(beginPos); focusAttrib = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(focusPos); endAttrib = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(endPos); compare = 0; while(endPos - beginPos > LINEARSEARCH) { if(findCompare(target, beginAttrib) == 0) { focusAttrib = beginAttrib; endPos = beginPos; } else if(findCompare(target, endAttrib) == 0) { focusAttrib = endAttrib; beginPos = endPos; } else { compare = findCompare(target, focusAttrib)*order; if(compare < 0) { beginPos = focusPos + 1; beginAttrib = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(beginPos); focusPos = (beginPos + endPos) / 2; focusAttrib = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(focusPos); } else if(compare > 0) { endPos = focusPos - 1; endAttrib = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(endPos); focusPos = (beginPos + endPos) / 2; focusAttrib = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(focusPos); } else { beginPos = focusPos; endPos = focusPos; } } } /* Do linear (unsorted) search logic */ if(endPos - beginPos <= LINEARSEARCH) { /* Do traditional indexed access */ focusAttrib = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(beginPos); if(beginPos == endPos) compare = findCompare(target, focusAttrib)*order; else while((beginPos < endPos) && ((compare = findCompare(target, focusAttrib)*order) < 0)) { beginPos++; focusAttrib = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(beginPos); } } /* Return the index if a match was found, or signal failure with a -1 */ if(compare == 0) /* Found; return retrieval index */ return(beginPos); else if(compare > 0) /* Not found; last item */ return(-beginPos); else if(beginPos > offset+count-1) return(-(endPos+1)); /* Not found; end of list */ else return(-(beginPos+1)); /* Not found; intermediate point */ } /* Simple sorting and searching comparison "operators" */ int CMP_CALLMODEL compareCHAR(const void *current, const void *candidate) { return( CMP_COMPARE( *(char *) current, *(char *) candidate ) ); } int CMP_CALLMODEL compareINT(const void *current, const void *candidate) { return( CMP_COMPARE( *(int *) current, *(int *) candidate ) ); } int CMP_CALLMODEL compareREAL(const void *current, const void *candidate) { return( CMP_COMPARE( *(REAL *) current, *(REAL *) candidate ) ); } /* Heap sort function (procedurally based on the Numerical Recipes version, but expanded and generalized to hande any object with the use of qsort-style comparison operator). An expanded version is also implemented, where interchanges are reflected in a caller-initialized integer "tags" list. */ void hpsort(void *attributes, int count, int offset, int recsize, MYBOOL descending, findCompare_func findCompare) { register int i, j, k, ir, order; register char *hold, *base; char *save; if(count < 2) return; offset -= 1; attributes = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(offset); base = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(1); save = (char *) malloc(recsize); if(descending) order = -1; else order = 1; k = (count >> 1) + 1; ir = count; for(;;) { if(k > 1) { MEMCOPY(save, CMP_ATTRIBUTES(--k), recsize); } else { hold = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(ir); MEMCOPY(save, hold, recsize); MEMCOPY(hold, base, recsize); if(--ir == 1) { MEMCOPY(base, save, recsize); break; } } i = k; j = k << 1; while(j <= ir) { hold = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(j); if( (j < ir) && (findCompare(hold, CMP_ATTRIBUTES(j+1))*order < 0) ) { hold += recsize; j++; } if(findCompare(save, hold)*order < 0) { MEMCOPY(CMP_ATTRIBUTES(i), hold, recsize); i = j; j <<= 1; } else break; } MEMCOPY(CMP_ATTRIBUTES(i), save, recsize); } FREE(save); } void hpsortex(void *attributes, int count, int offset, int recsize, MYBOOL descending, findCompare_func findCompare, int *tags) { if(count < 2) return; if(tags == NULL) { hpsort(attributes, count, offset, recsize, descending, findCompare); return; } else { register int i, j, k, ir, order; register char *hold, *base; char *save; int savetag; offset -= 1; attributes = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(offset); tags += offset; base = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(1); save = (char *) malloc(recsize); if(descending) order = -1; else order = 1; k = (count >> 1) + 1; ir = count; for(;;) { if(k > 1) { MEMCOPY(save, CMP_ATTRIBUTES(--k), recsize); savetag = tags[k]; } else { hold = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(ir); MEMCOPY(save, hold, recsize); MEMCOPY(hold, base, recsize); savetag = tags[ir]; tags[ir] = tags[1]; if(--ir == 1) { MEMCOPY(base, save, recsize); tags[1] = savetag; break; } } i = k; j = k << 1; while(j <= ir) { hold = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(j); if( (j < ir) && (findCompare(hold, CMP_ATTRIBUTES(j+1))*order < 0) ) { hold += recsize; j++; } if(findCompare(save, hold)*order < 0) { MEMCOPY(CMP_ATTRIBUTES(i), hold, recsize); tags[i] = tags[j]; i = j; j <<= 1; } else break; } MEMCOPY(CMP_ATTRIBUTES(i), save, recsize); tags[i] = savetag; } FREE(save); } } /* This is a "specialized generic" version of C.A.R Hoare's Quick Sort algorithm. It will handle arrays that are already sorted, and arrays with duplicate keys. There are two versions here; one extended conventional with optional tag data for each sortable value, and a version for the QSORTrec format. The QSORTrec format i.a. includes the ability for to do linked list sorting. If the passed comparison operator is NULL, the comparison is assumed to be for integers. */ #define QS_IS_switch LINEARSEARCH /* Threshold for switching to insertion sort */ void qsortex_swap(void *attributes, int l, int r, int recsize, void *tags, int tagsize, char *save, char *savetag) { MEMCOPY(save, CMP_ATTRIBUTES(l), recsize); MEMCOPY(CMP_ATTRIBUTES(l), CMP_ATTRIBUTES(r), recsize); MEMCOPY(CMP_ATTRIBUTES(r), save, recsize); if(tags != NULL) { MEMCOPY(savetag, CMP_TAGS(l), tagsize); MEMCOPY(CMP_TAGS(l), CMP_TAGS(r), tagsize); MEMCOPY(CMP_TAGS(r), savetag, tagsize); } } int qsortex_sort(void *attributes, int l, int r, int recsize, int sortorder, findCompare_func findCompare, void *tags, int tagsize, char *save, char *savetag) { register int i, j, nmove = 0; char *v; /* Perform the a fast QuickSort */ if((r-l) > QS_IS_switch) { i = (r+l)/2; /* Tri-Median Method */ if(sortorder*findCompare(CMP_ATTRIBUTES(l), CMP_ATTRIBUTES(i)) > 0) { nmove++; qsortex_swap(attributes, l,i, recsize, tags, tagsize, save, savetag); } if(sortorder*findCompare(CMP_ATTRIBUTES(l), CMP_ATTRIBUTES(r)) > 0) { nmove++; qsortex_swap(attributes, l,r, recsize, tags, tagsize, save, savetag); } if(sortorder*findCompare(CMP_ATTRIBUTES(i), CMP_ATTRIBUTES(r)) > 0) { nmove++; qsortex_swap(attributes, i,r, recsize, tags, tagsize, save, savetag); } j = r-1; qsortex_swap(attributes, i,j, recsize, tags, tagsize, save, savetag); i = l; v = CMP_ATTRIBUTES(j); for(;;) { while(sortorder*findCompare(CMP_ATTRIBUTES(++i), v) < 0); while(sortorder*findCompare(CMP_ATTRIBUTES(--j), v) > 0); if(j < i) break; nmove++; qsortex_swap(attributes, i,j, recsize, tags, tagsize, save, savetag); } nmove++; qsortex_swap(attributes, i,r-1, recsize, tags, tagsize, save, savetag); nmove += qsortex_sort(attributes, l,j, recsize, sortorder, findCompare, tags, tagsize, save, savetag); nmove += qsortex_sort(attributes, i+1,r, recsize, sortorder, findCompare, tags, tagsize, save, savetag); } return( nmove ); } int qsortex_finish(void *attributes, int lo0, int hi0, int recsize, int sortorder, findCompare_func findCompare, void *tags, int tagsize, char *save, char *savetag) { int i, j, nmove = 0; /* This is actually InsertionSort, which is faster for local sorts */ for(i = lo0+1; i <= hi0; i++) { /* Save bottom-most item */ MEMCOPY(save, CMP_ATTRIBUTES(i), recsize); if(tags != NULL) MEMCOPY(savetag, CMP_TAGS(i), tagsize); /* Shift down! */ j = i; while ((j > lo0) && (sortorder*findCompare(CMP_ATTRIBUTES(j-1), save) > 0)) { MEMCOPY(CMP_ATTRIBUTES(j), CMP_ATTRIBUTES(j-1), recsize); if(tags != NULL) MEMCOPY(CMP_TAGS(j), CMP_TAGS(j-1), tagsize); j--; nmove++; } /* Store bottom-most item at the top */ MEMCOPY(CMP_ATTRIBUTES(j), save, recsize); if(tags != NULL) MEMCOPY(CMP_TAGS(j), savetag, tagsize); } return( nmove ); } int qsortex(void *attributes, int count, int offset, int recsize, MYBOOL descending, findCompare_func findCompare, void *tags, int tagsize) { int iswaps = 0, sortorder = (descending ? -1 : 1); char *save = NULL, *savetag = NULL; /* Check and initialize to zero-based arrays */ if(count <= 1) goto Finish; attributes = (void *) CMP_ATTRIBUTES(offset); save = (char *) malloc(recsize); if((tagsize <= 0) && (tags != NULL)) tags = NULL; else if(tags != NULL) { tags = (void *) CMP_TAGS(offset); savetag = (char *) malloc(tagsize); } count--; /* Perform sort */ iswaps = qsortex_sort(attributes, 0, count, recsize, sortorder, findCompare, tags, tagsize, save, savetag); #if QS_IS_switch > 0 iswaps += qsortex_finish(attributes, 0, count, recsize, sortorder, findCompare, tags, tagsize, save, savetag); #endif Finish: FREE(save); FREE(savetag); return( iswaps ); } #undef QS_IS_switch /* This is a "specialized generic" version of C.A.R Hoare's Quick Sort algorithm. It will handle arrays that are already sorted, and arrays with duplicate keys. The implementation here requires the user to pass a comparison operator and assumes that the array passed has the QSORTrec format, which i.a. includes the ability for to do linked list sorting. If the passed comparison operator is NULL, the comparison is assumed to be for integers. */ #define QS_IS_switch 4 /* Threshold for switching to insertion sort */ void QS_swap(UNIONTYPE QSORTrec a[], int i, int j) { UNIONTYPE QSORTrec T = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = T; } int QS_addfirst(UNIONTYPE QSORTrec a[], void *mydata) { a[0].pvoid2.ptr = mydata; return( 0 ); } int QS_append(UNIONTYPE QSORTrec a[], int ipos, void *mydata) { if(ipos <= 0) ipos = QS_addfirst(a, mydata); else a[ipos].pvoid2.ptr = mydata; return( ipos ); } void QS_replace(UNIONTYPE QSORTrec a[], int ipos, void *mydata) { a[ipos].pvoid2.ptr = mydata; } void QS_insert(UNIONTYPE QSORTrec a[], int ipos, void *mydata, int epos) { for(; epos > ipos; epos--) a[epos] = a[epos-1]; a[ipos].pvoid2.ptr = mydata; } void QS_delete(UNIONTYPE QSORTrec a[], int ipos, int epos) { for(; epos > ipos; epos--) a[epos] = a[epos-1]; } int QS_sort(UNIONTYPE QSORTrec a[], int l, int r, findCompare_func findCompare) { register int i, j, nmove = 0; UNIONTYPE QSORTrec v; /* Perform the a fast QuickSort */ if((r-l) > QS_IS_switch) { i = (r+l)/2; /* Tri-Median Method */ if(findCompare((char *) &a[l], (char *) &a[i]) > 0) { nmove++; QS_swap(a,l,i); } if(findCompare((char *) &a[l], (char *) &a[r]) > 0) { nmove++; QS_swap(a,l,r); } if(findCompare((char *) &a[i], (char *) &a[r]) > 0) { nmove++; QS_swap(a,i,r); } j = r-1; QS_swap(a,i,j); i = l; v = a[j]; for(;;) { while(findCompare((char *) &a[++i], (char *) &v) < 0); while(findCompare((char *) &a[--j], (char *) &v) > 0); if(j < i) break; nmove++; QS_swap (a,i,j); } nmove++; QS_swap(a,i,r-1); nmove += QS_sort(a,l,j,findCompare); nmove += QS_sort(a,i+1,r,findCompare); } return( nmove ); } int QS_finish(UNIONTYPE QSORTrec a[], int lo0, int hi0, findCompare_func findCompare) { int i, j, nmove = 0; UNIONTYPE QSORTrec v; /* This is actually InsertionSort, which is faster for local sorts */ for(i = lo0+1; i <= hi0; i++) { /* Save bottom-most item */ v = a[i]; /* Shift down! */ j = i; while ((j > lo0) && (findCompare((char *) &a[j-1], (char *) &v) > 0)) { a[j] = a[j-1]; j--; nmove++; } /* Store bottom-most item at the top */ a[j] = v; } return( nmove ); } MYBOOL QS_execute(UNIONTYPE QSORTrec a[], int count, findCompare_func findCompare, int *nswaps) { int iswaps = 0; /* Check and initialize */ if(count <= 1) goto Finish; count--; /* Perform sort */ iswaps = QS_sort(a, 0, count, findCompare); #if QS_IS_switch > 0 iswaps += QS_finish(a, 0, count, findCompare); #endif Finish: if(nswaps != NULL) *nswaps = iswaps; return( TRUE ); } /* Simple specialized bubble/insertion sort functions */ int sortByREAL(int *item, REAL *weight, int size, int offset, MYBOOL unique) { int i, ii, saveI; REAL saveW; for(i = 1; i < size; i++) { ii = i+offset-1; while ((ii >= offset) && (weight[ii] >= weight[ii+1])) { if(weight[ii] == weight[ii+1]) { if(unique) return(item[ii]); } else { saveI = item[ii]; saveW = weight[ii]; item[ii] = item[ii+1]; weight[ii] = weight[ii+1]; item[ii+1] = saveI; weight[ii+1] = saveW; } ii--; } } return(0); } int sortByINT(int *item, int *weight, int size, int offset, MYBOOL unique) { int i, ii, saveI; int saveW; for(i = 1; i < size; i++) { ii = i+offset-1; while ((ii >= offset) && (weight[ii] >= weight[ii+1])) { if(weight[ii] == weight[ii+1]) { if(unique) return(item[ii]); } else { saveI = item[ii]; saveW = weight[ii]; item[ii] = item[ii+1]; weight[ii] = weight[ii+1]; item[ii+1] = saveI; weight[ii+1] = saveW; } ii--; } } return(0); } REAL sortREALByINT(REAL *item, int *weight, int size, int offset, MYBOOL unique) { int i, ii, saveW; REAL saveI; for(i = 1; i < size; i++) { ii = i+offset-1; while ((ii >= offset) && (weight[ii] >= weight[ii+1])) { if(weight[ii] == weight[ii+1]) { if(unique) return(item[ii]); } else { saveI = item[ii]; saveW = weight[ii]; item[ii] = item[ii+1]; weight[ii] = weight[ii+1]; item[ii+1] = saveI; weight[ii+1] = saveW; } ii--; } } return(0); } /* Time and message functions */ double timeNow(void) { #ifdef INTEGERTIME return((double)time(NULL)); #elif defined CLOCKTIME return((double)clock()/CLOCKS_PER_SEC /* CLK_TCK */); #elif defined PosixTime struct timespec t; # if 0 clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &t); return( (double) t.tv_sec + (double) t.tv_nsec/1.0e9 ); # else static double timeBase; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &t); if(timeBase == 0) timeBase = clockNow() - ((double) t.tv_sec + (double) t.tv_nsec/1.0e9); return( timeBase + (double) t.tv_sec + (double) t.tv_nsec/1.0e9 ); # endif #elif defined EnhTime static LARGE_INTEGER freq; static double timeBase; LARGE_INTEGER now; QueryPerformanceCounter(&now); if(timeBase == 0) { QueryPerformanceFrequency(&freq); timeBase = clockNow() - (double) now.QuadPart/(double) freq.QuadPart; } return( timeBase + (double) now.QuadPart/(double) freq.QuadPart ); #else struct timeb buf; ftime(&buf); return((double)buf.time+((double) buf.millitm)/1000.0); #endif } /* Miscellaneous reporting functions */ /* List a vector of INT values for the given index range */ void blockWriteINT(FILE *output, char *label, int *myvector, int first, int last) { int i, k = 0; fprintf(output, "%s", label); fprintf(output, "\n"); for(i = first; i <= last; i++) { fprintf(output, " %5d", myvector[i]); k++; if(k % 12 == 0) { fprintf(output, "\n"); k = 0; } } if(k % 12 != 0) fprintf(output, "\n"); } /* List a vector of MYBOOL values for the given index range */ void blockWriteBOOL(FILE *output, char *label, MYBOOL *myvector, int first, int last, MYBOOL asRaw) { int i, k = 0; fprintf(output, "%s", label); fprintf(output, "\n"); for(i = first; i <= last; i++) { if(asRaw) fprintf(output, " %1d", myvector[i]); else fprintf(output, " %5s", my_boolstr(myvector[i])); k++; if(k % 36 == 0) { fprintf(output, "\n"); k = 0; } } if(k % 36 != 0) fprintf(output, "\n"); } /* List a vector of REAL values for the given index range */ void blockWriteREAL(FILE *output, char *label, REAL *myvector, int first, int last) { int i, k = 0; fprintf(output, "%s", label); fprintf(output, "\n"); for(i = first; i <= last; i++) { fprintf(output, " %18g", myvector[i]); k++; if(k % 4 == 0) { fprintf(output, "\n"); k = 0; } } if(k % 4 != 0) fprintf(output, "\n"); } /* CONSOLE vector and matrix printing routines */ void printvec( int n, REAL *x, int modulo ) { int i; if (modulo <= 0) modulo = 5; for (i = 1; i<=n; i++) { if(mod(i, modulo) == 1) printf("\n%2d:%12g", i, x[i]); else printf(" %2d:%12g", i, x[i]); } if(i % modulo != 0) printf("\n"); } void printmatUT( int size, int n, REAL *U, int modulo) { int i, ll; ll = 0; for(i = 1; i<=n; i++) { printvec(n-i+1, &U[ll], modulo); ll += size-i+1; } } void printmatSQ( int size, int n, REAL *X, int modulo) { int i, ll; ll = 0; for(i = 1; i<=n; i++) { printvec(n, &X[ll], modulo); ll += size; } } /* Miscellaneous file functions */ #if defined _MSC_VER /* Check MS versions before 7 */ #if _MSC_VER < 1300 # define intptr_t long #endif int fileCount( char *filemask ) { struct _finddata_t c_file; intptr_t hFile; int count = 0; /* Find first .c file in current directory */ if( (hFile = _findfirst( filemask, &c_file )) == -1L ) ; /* Iterate over all matching names */ else { while( _findnext( hFile, &c_file ) == 0 ) count++; _findclose( hFile ); } return( count ); } MYBOOL fileSearchPath( char *envvar, char *searchfile, char *foundpath ) { char pathbuffer[_MAX_PATH]; _searchenv( searchfile, envvar, pathbuffer ); if(pathbuffer[0] == '\0') return( FALSE ); else { if(foundpath != NULL) strcpy(foundpath, pathbuffer); return( TRUE ); } } #endif