// Textbook fragment 06.10 /** Returns the number of elements in the list; O(1) time */ public int size() { return numElts; } /** Returns whether the list is empty; O(1) time */ public boolean isEmpty() { return (numElts == 0); } /** Returns the first position in the list; O(1) time */ public Position first() throws EmptyListException { if (isEmpty()) throw new EmptyListException("List is empty"); return header.getNext(); } /** Returns the position before the given one; O(1) time */ public Position prev(Position p) throws InvalidPositionException, BoundaryViolationException { DNode v = checkPosition(p); DNode prev = v.getPrev(); if (prev == header) throw new BoundaryViolationException ("Cannot advance past the beginning of the list"); return prev; } /** Insert the given element before the given position, returning * the new position; O(1) time */ public void addBefore(Position p, E element) throws InvalidPositionException { // DNode v = checkPosition(p); numElts++; DNode newNode = new DNode(v.getPrev(), v, element); v.getPrev().setNext(newNode); v.setPrev(newNode); }