Example Map content:
Implementation with list:
public class ListElem { public String key; public String value; public ListElem prev; // Double linked list for easy deletion public ListElem next; public ListElem(String k, String v) { key = k; value = v; prev = null; next = null; } public String toString() { return( "(" + key + "," + value + ")" ); } } |
public class ListMap extends List { |
public class ListElem<KeyType, ValueType> // ListElem class with 2 parameters { public KeyType key; public ValueType value; public ListElem<KeyType,ValueType> prev; public ListElem<KeyType,ValueType> next; public ListElem(KeyType k, ValueType v) { key = k; value = v; prev = null; next = null; } public String toString() { return( "(" + key + "," + value + ")" ); } } |
public class List<KeyType, ValueType> { public ListElem<KeyType, ValueType> head; public int N; public List() { head = null; // Start with empty list N = 0; } // ************************************************* // delete(p): delete p // ************************************************* public void delete(ListElem<KeyType, ValueType> p) { ListElem<KeyType, ValueType> prevElem, nextElem; if ( N == 0 ) { return ; // Nothing to delete } else if ( N == 1 ) // Delete last element ==> empty list { head = null; } else if ( p.prev == null ) // Delete FIRST element { System.out.println("Delete: " + p.key); nextElem = p.next; nextElem.prev = null; head = nextElem; // The second is the new "first element" } else if ( p.next == null ) // Delete LAST element { System.out.println("Delete: " + p.key); prevElem = p.prev; prevElem.next = null; } else // Delete a "middle element" { System.out.println("Delete: " + p.key); prevElem = p.prev; nextElem = p.next; nextElem.prev = p.prev; prevElem.next = p.next; } N--; } // ------------------------------- // insert(v): insert at head // ------------------------------- public void insert(ListElem<KeyType, ValueType> p) { if ( N == 0 ) { p.next = null; p.prev = null; head = p; } else { p.next = head; p.prev = null; head.prev = p; head = p; } N++; } public String toString() { String r = ""; ListElem<KeyType, ValueType> p; p = head; // Very important: start at first element r = r + "{"; while ( p != null ) { r = r + p + " "; p = p.next; } return(r); } } |
Instead of: DataType varName Use: DataType< Actual_Type, ... > varName |
List<String, String> L1 = new List<String, String> () ; List<String, Integer> L2 = new List<String, Integer> () ; |
(Programs will a lot of these notation is terribly difficult to read...)
public class ListMap<KeyType, ValueType> extends List<KeyType, ValueType> { |
I am more concern to teach data structures and algorithm to manage the data structure.
The purpose of this course is:
It's not above how to make programs safer using parameterized types
But I do want to show you how to convert a NON parameterized typed class into a parameterized typed one...
So you can convert it yourself: you can parameterize every data structures taught in the rest of the course.