Li Xiong
Professor Assured Information Mangement and Sharing (AIMS) Lab Department of Computer Science Department of Biomedical Informatics Emory University
Address: 400 Dowman Dr, Atlanta, GA 30322
November 2022: Congratulations to Wenjie Wang for successfully defending her PhD dissertation on adversarial robustness of deep learning models on sequence data! She will join ShanghaiTech University as an assistant professor. Wish her the best for her next chapter of endeavors!
September 2022: Honored to be named Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Computer Science, thanks to the department and university, and all my past and current students and collaborators!
September 2022: Starting a new project on Sensor Hardware and Intelligent Tools for Assessing the Health Effects of Heat Exposure funded by NIH R01, in collaboration with Prof. Vicki Hertzberg from School of Nursing at Emory, and Prof. Woo-Hong Yeo from GaTech! (Emory news)
May 2022: Starting a new healthcare recommender systems project in collaobration and funded by Kaiser Permanente Digital.
March 2022: Congratulations to Rongmei Lin for successfully defending her PhD dissertation! Wish her the best for her next chapter of endeavours!
February 2022: Our project on Decentralized differentially-private methods for dynamic data release and analysis is renewed by NIH R01!
December 2021: Honored to be named an IEEE fellow! Thanks to all my endorsers, past and current students and collaborators for making it possible!
December 2021: Congratulations to Pengfei Tang, Yifei Ren, and Payam Karisani for successfully defending their PhD dissertations! Wish them the best for their next chapters of endeavours!
October 2021: Gave an invited talk on Trustworthy Machine Learning with Differential Privacy and Certified Robustness at IEEE DSC.
August 2021: Starting a new project on Hyperlocal Risk Monitoring and Pandemic Preparedness through Privacy-Enhanced Mobility and Social Interactions Analysis in collaboration with Emory Sociology and Public Health, USC, Kyoto University, and Nara Institute of Science and Technology, thanks to the support of NSF and JST!
August 2021: Starting a new project on PREMED: Privacy-Preserving and Robust Computational Phenotyping using Multisite EHR Data in collaboration with Emory School of Medicine and UTHealth, thanks to the support of NSF!
August 2021: Congratulations to Mani Sotoodeh for successfully defending his PhD dissertation! Wish him the best at University of Montreal!
July 2021: Received a Cisco Research Award to work on Machine Learning for Multi-Modal Sensing Technology for Heat Exposure in collaboration with Dr. Vicki Hertzberg from School of Nursing at Emory,
July 2021: Congratulations to Farnaz Tahmasebian, Qiuchen Zhang, and Jing Ma for successfully defending their PhD dissertation! Wish them the best for their next big adventures in Seattle!
October 2020: Honored to join the team for PREPARE, a virtual oranization supported by NSF for pandemic research for preparedness and resilience. Together we are stronger!
October 2020: Starting a new planning project on Privacy-enhanced data-driven health monitoring for smart and connected senior communities in collaboration with Kyoto University.
July 2020: Gave an invited talk on Federated Tensor Factorization at Google Federated Learning and Analytics Workshop.
May 2020: We are starting a new project REACT: Real-time Contact Tracing and Risk Monitoring via Privacy-enhanced Mobile Tracking in collaboration with USC and UT Health!
December 2019: The white paper Advances and Open Problems in Federated Learning is available on arxiv! Kudos to Google for leading this amazing team effort following the Workshop on Federated Learning and Analytics in June!
October 2019: Honored to be named ACM distinguished member. Many thanks to my endorsers, students, collaborators who made it possible!
October 2019: We received 1st Place in the 2019 iDASH Privacy & Secuity Competition blockchain track! Congratulations Mark and Yang!
October 2018: We received 3rd Place in the 2018 iDASH Privacy & Secuity Competition blockchain track! Congratulations Mark and Yang!
September 2018: We are starting a new project "TIMES: A tensor factorization platform for spatio-temporal data" funded by NSF BigData program in collaboration with Prof. Joyce Ho at Emory and Prof. Jimeng Sun from Georgia Tech.
September 2018: We have a brand new Department of Computer Science and we are hiring! (Emory press release)
June 2018: Our paper Privacy-Preserving Reverse k-Nearest Neighbor Queries received the best paper runner up award at IEEE MDM 2018!
April 2018: Our paper Aesthetic-based Clothing Recommendation received Best Paper Honorable Mention at the Web conference 2018!
December 2017: Congratulations to Daniel Garcia Ulloa for successfully defending his PhD dissertation! Daniel will stay as a postdoctoral fellow at AIMS. Wish him the best!
May 2017: Congratulations to Layla Pournajaf, Yonghui Xiao, and Jinfei Liu for successfully defending their PhD dissertation! Layla is continuing an internship at CareerBuilder, Yonghui joined Google, and Jinfei will work as a postdoctoral fellow at Emory and Georgia Tech. Wish them all the best!
January 2017: Our collaborative project with UCSD on Decentralized differentially-private methods for dynamic data release and analysis is funded by NIH R01
November 2016: Congratulations to Michael Solomon and Haoran Li for successfully defending their PhD dissertations! Michael continues with his own consulting company and Haoran is joining eBay. Wish them the best!
August 2016: Our project on Next Generation Frameworks for Secure DDDAS/Infosymbiotics Systems is funded by the AFOSR DDDAS program!
August 2016: Our project on Rigorous and Customizable Spatiotemporal Privacy for Location Based Applications is funded by NSF SaTC!
June 2016: Our paper D-Grid: An In-Memory Dual Space Grid Index for Moving Object Databases received the best paper award at IEEE MDM 2016!
February 2016: Honored to be featured in Emory Report!
February 2016: Our project "Extending differential privacy for privacy preserving location sharing" received a Google Research Award!
January 2016: Congratulations to
December 2015: Our project "iCloak: privacy preserving individual location sharing" received an NSF I-Corps award!
November 2015: Our ACM SIGSPATIAL 2015 vision paper "Privacy-Preserving Inference of Social Relationships from Location Data" won the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) Blue Sky Ideas Best Paper Award (third place)!
October 2015: Giving a keynote talk at the SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Location-Based Social Networks (LBSN 2015). See you there!
October 2015: Presented our projects at the iDASH and pSCANNER Data Sharing Symposium. The program is very interdisciplinary and videos for all talks are now available!
September 2015: Co-organizing the 9th Workshop on Privacy and Anonymity in the Information Society (PAIS) again collocated with EDBT/ICDT 2015. Submissions are due December 11. Please consider submiting!
August 2015: Honored to be named the Winship Distinguished Research Professor in Mathematics and Natural Science at Emory for 2015-2018!
August 2015: Giving a keynote talk at the Privacy Preserving IR 2015 Workshop and participating in a data privacy panel at the USENIX Summit on Information Technologies for Health (HealthTech '15). Both have interesting programs, see you there!
July 2015: Congratulations to Luca Bonomi who successfully defended his PhD dissertation! Luca will join University of California at San Diego as a postdoctoral fellow. Wish him the best!
April 2015: Our project SHARE: Statistical Health Information Release with Differential Privacy in collaboration with the NCBC iDASH is funded by NIH R01!
March 2015: Postdoc position available in data privacy and health informatics. Please contact me if you are interested!
February 2015: Co-organizing the iDASH Privacy & Security Workshop 2015 - Secure Genome Analysis Competition. Please consider participating! (Media coverage in GenomeWeb and Nature News)
December 2014: Co-organizing the Workshop on Privacy and Anonymity in the Information Society (PAIS) again collocated with EDBT/ICDT 2015. Submissions are due December 29. Looking forward to seeing you at the workshop!
September 2014: Our project on Building Data Registries with Privacy and Confidentiality for PCOR in collaboration with Emory BMI and UCSD was funded by PCORI! (Emory press release)