Lookup in a B+-tree:
internal nodes
Lookup in a B+-tree:
internal nodes
Lookup in a B+-tree:
leaf node
The index file is stored in
the leaf nodes
If search key is
not found in the
leaf node,
the data
does not contain
the search key !!
Example of lookup in a B+-tree
Find the record containing the
search key 40
Example of lookup in a B+-tree
Find the record containing the
search key 40:
40 not found -
data is not in file !
Example of lookup in a B+-tree
Find the record containing the
search key 41
Example of lookup in a B+-tree
Find the record containing the
search key 41:
41 found -
follow DB address in index to
Next: maintaining a
- How
to insert a
new search key in a
- How
to delete a
search key in a
We must maintain the
structural requirements and
occupancy constraints of
the B+-tree !!!
The B+-tree must remain
balanced !!!